Thursday, March 19, 2020

Library Loot: March 18

We worked from home today for the first day. The good news is  I still like my husband. The not so good news is that we had to spend a chunk of time on the phone trying to get our internet up and working again after it died a couple of days ago.

Like so many others  around the world, my local library has closed down in response to the COVID-19 pandemic so who knows when I will be doing my next Library Loot post, unless I start borrowing ebooks and audiobooks. The reality is that I have enough of both of those of my own so I probably don't need to borrow them!

Interestingly when I checked the library catalogue today, all of the books I have out have had their due date extended to 1 May which was unexpected!

Here's what I did borrow this week:

Rosewater and Soda Bread by Marsha Mehran - I finished the first book in this duo a week or so, and I am sufficiently interested to find out what happens next.

The Lost Love Song by Minnie Darke - This is a new release that I had seen a few really good reviews for so I thought I would request it.

Palace of Tears by Julian Leatherdale - This author has a new book out which I have seen a few reviews for. I am not sure why but I was more drawn to his debut rather the new one.

badge-4Library Loot is a weekly event co-hosted by Claire from The Captive Reader and Sharlene from Real Life Reading that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library. If you’d like to participate, just write up your post-feel free to steal the button-and link it using the Mr. Linky any time during the week. And of course check out what other participants are getting from their libraries.


  1. I returned all my books on the last day that they were open. I'm going to miss my library people...

    1. We can still drop books into the out of hours slot as necessary

  2. The city and county libraries here have been closed for a week now. I have enough books at home to last me several apocalypses, but I still miss going to the library!

    1. I too have more than enough books here either in book, ebook or audio version Susan. Doesn't stop me going to the library when it is open

  3. I'm going to miss our library. I go there almost every week so I'll have to figure out how to read good books to my kids. I have not encouraged a lot of ebooks for my kids yet but I guess this is a new world now, so we need to adapt. Feeling very sad about this overall.

    1. I hadn't been to the library for a while due to not really reading much for a couple of years but I was in the process of getting back into the habit.
