Monday, March 23, 2020

This week...

I'm reading

What's yellow and dangerous?

Shark infested custard!

This week I have finished reading When It All Went to Custard by Danielle Hawkins which I really enjoyed! I am definitely intending to read more from this author. Rural fiction has been huge in Australia for years. This book is rural, but the difference is that it is set on a sheep farm near a small town in country New Zealand!

Given everything going on in the world at the moment, I am definitely looking for feel good reads. With that in mind I also started reading my first ever book by Mhairi McFarlane,  If I Never Met You. I know a number of bloggers who really love her books, and I love good British humour so I am sure I will like it. I am so far!!

I'm watching

I am also looking to watch feel good TV as well

We watched the first series of Fleabag this week. I wasn't quite sure at first, but it was a lot of fun, and it helps that the episodes are short. I think we will probably watch season two this week.

I  did have to laugh at myself this week. I saw a TV show from Belgium that I though might be fun to watch called Team Chocolate, but I am aware that my husband doesn't like to read subtitles. I was therefore trying to gently introduce the fact that this would be necessary when he asked what language is it in. When I replied Dutch, he looked at me a little oddly. Oh, that's right, he speaks Dutch. No subtitles required!!


Once again, this week is a tale of what we didn't do. We did have plans to go a lecture at the museum which was about their collection of miniatures, but of course this was cancelled.

Also cancelled was our outing to Cirque de Soleil. I have no idea why but I have never actually been to one of their shows so I was super excited to be going, but obviously it wasn't to be this time. I am sure that there will be others.

The big change this week is that we are now practicing social distancing. We are therefore working from home  most days,  and I fully expect that to be extended to be changed to full time shortly.

For the most part I am okay, but I can't quite help but feel a bit anxious about what is going on in the world. I would most likely be okay if I was to get the virus, but there would be a chance that I wouldn't be given that I had pneumonia a couple of years ago and that I am overweight. Fingers crossed that we all manage to stay safe and happy during these uncertain times.

Posts from the last week

Pomegranate Soup by Marsha Mehran
Bookish Quote
Library Loot

I've linked this post to It's Monday, what are you reading? as hosted by Book Date


  1. I am all for reading and watching feel-good things...but I also like a thriller or two, as long as they don't feature pandemics! LOL.

    Stay well and safe.

    1. Yeah, staying away from pandemics for me too.

  2. Stay safe, healthy and have a good reading week! I hope you can stop by:


  3. This is a very stressful time for everyone. I heartily endorse feel good books and TV. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  4. My husband has worked from home for years, so he's having to adjust to my being home instead of going off to a full-time job five days a week! It just started snowing here, so I'm glad to be at home and not at work today. We went out for a walk early, and will be in for the rest of the day now.
    I feel like reading mostly feel-good books now, too, especially as the custard hasn't really hit the fan, yet, and the situation is predicted to get worse before it gets better. :(

    1. Very true Laurie! It is definitely going to get worse here too I think!

  5. Thanks for visiting Reader in the Wilderness! It's true, I have no idea what Amazon is doing in your neck of the woods, and I do hope they're not doing anything drastic, like discouraging people from buying books!
    Do take care!
    We haven't watched more than one episode of Fleabag, though we must, because I've heard it's so good. We're still binge-watching Grace and Frankie, or Frankie and Grace--not sure which it is.

    1. We watched a couple of episodes of Frankie and Grace but never watched any more. Not sure why!

  6. I'm trying not to think about my health issues that might make C19 worse than it ought to be!
