Saturday, April 25, 2020

Weekend Cooking: April Bakes

April feels like it has been long right? Even as I just looked at this post I was like has it really been this month that I made the first thing on this list. It feels like it could have been 2 months ago, instead just this month.

This was my first full month of working from home. We definitely took advantage of that when it comes to baking, which inevitably leads to eating but we won't talk about that too much!

Even with some shortages in the shops, we have pretty much been able to get a least one pack of butter and one pack of flour when we need it so we have been able to make everything that we wanted to.

In this month I tried some simple new recipes, revisited some old favourites and challenged myself a little. I think the challenging myself is the one where I need to do some more work. Now that there is no longer the monthly Bake it Box arriving, I need to find somewhere that gives challenging bakes, with good instruction that are achievable. Anyone have any ideas?  Maybe I need to start doing some bakes from the people I follow on Youtube, but I do think I possible need to find some more inspiration.

In other news, one of the major biscuit (cookie) companies in Australia has started releasing their recipes for their most famous biscuits. Maybe I might try some of them next month. I guess we will have to wait and see.

So here's what I did make in April (with links where I have them).

Puff Pastry Cream Squares - I shared the recipe for these a few weeks ago. They are easy and delicious. I can definitely see myself making these again

Chocolate Brownies - Bill Granger's chocolate brownies have been my go to recipe for a number of years now, and this was as good as ever! I do still need to get used to cooking this in my current oven.. In the old one I had to leave it in the over for around 50% longer than the recipe states. In my current oven, I do not!

No Knead Bread - We thought we would join in with all the cool kids and make bread this month. We have been doing this no knead bread for a couple of years now. It is super easy, delicious and makes the house smell amazing. The only thing with this version is that you have to decide yesterday that you want to eat it today. There is a 2 hour version that we have tried too, but this recipe isn't too taxing either.

Lemon Coconut No Bake slice -If I am in a coffee shop and in the mood, I will often pick up one of these slices. I had no idea that it was no bake though. Melt some ingredients and then mix and set. Super easy and tasty. I think I would use real lemon juice in the icing next time though. (recipe)

Easter Egg Rocky Road slice -  This was  my challenge myself recipe this month. Even then you just have to follow the instructions really. You start with a shortbread base, then make marshmallow and top with a melted chocolate, mini easter eggs and turkish delight. The recipe I have linked to includes nuts but I always leave these out because we have an allergy in this house, not that my son the manboy ever tries what I cook but still! Better to be safe than sorry.

Very sweet but delicious and fun to make! (recipe)

Choc Banana Bread - This is my other go to Bill Granger recipe, and was the second ever post I shared for Weekend Cooking. I had a bit of an issue turning it out of the pan this time, but it still tasted as good as ever!

I went to take a photo of the quarter of this today, but the container has disappeared into the manboy's room and presumably been eaten!

Have you been baking up a storm this month?

I am sharing this post with In My Kitchen

Weekend Cooking is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book (novel, nonfiction) reviews, cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs. If your post is even vaguely foodie, feel free to grab the button and link up anytime over the weekend. You do not have to post on the weekend. For more information, see the welcome post.


  1. i've had breakfast several times at bill granger's cafe in bondi - always fabulous! yes i agree i would definitely use real lemon juice in that slice. hope you're keeping well during the crisis

    1. Last time we were in Sydney we did brunch at Bill's in Surrey Hills. It was delicious!

  2. I don't know if you are a Masterchef tragic like me, but if you are, you can access recipes that do indeed look challenging yet do-able...

    1. We are Masterchef tragics Lisa. I kind of think Masterchef is mostly challenging but not doable!! Having said that one of my go to recipes is a Masterchef recipe.

  3. I did actually bake a cake yesterday, which I don't do very often as my husband is diabetic. I made our favourite orange and chocolate cake, one which never fails, and as always it's very good. I cut it up and froze some so Hubby doesn't overdose on it. I'll be looking at some of the ones you've featured in this post. Flour is in short supply here but luckily I already had 2 new bags in before the shortage started.

    1. From what I hear yeast is the thing that is hard to find here. I had plenty already so can keep trying things for a while yet Cath. Chocolate and orange is always such a good combination!

  4. I love following your baking adventures. I'm baking bread this weekend, and will be making a cake for Mr. BFR's birthday on Monday ... Oh darn! We'll have to eat the entire cake ourselves. LOL

    1. Yeah, plenty of eating happening here!

      Happy birthday to MR BFR!

  5. You had some wonderful baked goods coming out of your kitchen this month. I have my eye on the no-bake lemon slice especially. ;-)

    1. It was good Deb. I would use real lemon juice instead of the 1 tablespoon of lemon essence as it was just too strong.

  6. Ohmylord everything in this post looks delicious!!!! Especially that rocky road slice. Wowee!!! I forced myself to go to Walmart today as it's the only place in our tiny town that carries my beloved Kerry Gold butter. I have plenty of flour thanks to someone gifting me a 5lb bag plus the two 1lb bags I had bought recently. And then the bottle of Nielsen Massey vanilla arrived from Walmart yesterday so I am ALL SET! But I have nothing in mind yet to bake, of course.

    1. You are at the fun stage Jinger! Looking for the inspiration. anything could happen from this point!

  7. I finally go flour today (after 6 weeks) just in time to make ANZAC biscuits. I like the idea of an Easter egg rocky road.

    1. I should probably have made Anzac biscuits this weekend Shelleyrae but I went with cinnamon scrolls instead. Good thing about Anzac biscuits is they are delicious no matter when you make them

  8. I feel so hungry looking at your pictures! Tasty! Yeast is what is rare now here in Wisconsin USA, but luckily we still have some at hand. My kids have been baking away with school off. We made a chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting yesterday for my son's birthday. He also made a loaf of wheat bread for dinner.

    1. Yeast is hard to get here too Laura. Happy birthday to your son!

  9. I think I just gained 10 pounds looking at all these yummy treats! Thank you for sharing the recipes, I would love to make the lemon slices.

    1. Then I must have gained 30 pounds from licking the bowl and eating them right Iliana?

  10. That rocky road! Stay safe

    1. It looks impressive doesn't it Carole!

  11. Wow! That all looks delicious! My husband has been the one baking this month! After giving up eggs and dairy for Lent, he started baking on Easter and hasn't stopped! We've had skillet cornbread, pumpkin bread, coconut Bundt cake, several varieties of coffeecake and muffins for breakfasts, and probably more that I can't even remember! (I haven't been entirely blameless for our quarantine weight gain, having made chocolate-ginger truffles, coconut-rum pudding, and numerous creamy and/or sweet cocktails!)

    1. Sounds like you have been eating well in your house too Laurie!

  12. So glad to see that this crisis hasn't stopped you baking! Doing fantastic over there. I've not had problems getting anything but bleach, although that's available in pool supplies dept. And since my sourdough starter keeps going I haven't checked for yeast availability.

    1. I am contemplating starting a sourdough starter Claudia, but I am thinking it might be hard work. Maybe later in the year!

  13. What amazing baking you have been doing! Wonderful. I have pinned your recipe for no-knead bread, I finally scored some all purpose flour at the market today. I looks beautiful.

  14. No knead bread seems like the perfect solution for my needs right now :)

    1. It's really easy to do! I recommend it!

  15. Thanks for the link for the no knead bread. Those brownies would be a great hit in my house...well, anyone's house for that matter. :-)

  16. I want to try each of those treats you posted. I mean physically taste them NOW but bake them as well. I've been baking more: bagels and tortillas (grilled, not baked) and lots of bread. Be well!
