Saturday, May 30, 2020

Weekend Cooking: May Bakes

It's the last Saturday of the month and that means it is time to share my baking for this month. I started doing this earlier this year because otherwise every Weekend Cooking post would be about something sweet, which might be a bit much.

The first thing I made this month was my first ever attempt at cinnamon scrolls. These were a no knead version. I actually posted the recipe for this bake a few weeks ago.

Next, these cupcakes were made using a recipe from Australian pastry chef Adriano Zumbo. He has been on a few baking shows in the US as well. I don't know about him as a TV chef but his cakes and pastries look amazing. So this was, in his words, a cupcake you can make with the kids. They are chocolate cupcakes with a chocolate ganache inset and a salted caramel buttercream frosting. So yes, make that with your kids!

A couple of my friends thought that these looked liked the poo emoji which wasn't very nice but they did taste absolutely delicious! I would try to make the buttercream differently because I used a premade caramel. Maybe the buttercream would look a bit better with a homemade salted caramel. Or maybe I just needed to add some sprinkes. I did buy some amazing sprinkles this month but they hadn't arrived when I made this!

There are lots of companies around the world that have been doing something special for their consumers as a result of COVID-19. One of our big brand biscuit companies (as in cookies) announced they were going to be releasing some of the recipes for their biscuits. They released three, but now they have moved to releasing recipes made using their products. The three biscuits that they released the recipes for are Scotch Finger biscuits, Iced Vovos and Monte Carlo. I do intend to try the other recipes at some point, but I did make the Monte Carlo biscuits this month and they were so good.

Working on the basis that most Weekend Cooking participants won't actually know what a Monte Carlo looks or tastes like, they are a biscuit with coconut in and a creamy filling with jam. Here is what a mass produced Monte Carlo looks like

and here is what mine looked like. Much more rustic of course but they were so good! I am definitely planning to make them again at some point, and I possibly will share the recipe soon as well.

The day that I made those biscuits we had a Zoom afternoon tea so I also made scones using this recipe that I shared a few years ago now.

It just so happened the week after that afternoon tea it was my husband's birthday and also the first week that we were allowed to have families over to visit so we had an actual afternoon tea and I made more scones! I must confess that we bought the lemon meringue pie. I was going to make it but I ran out of time.

The other thing that I did make for the afternoon tea was a Tangy Ricotta Muffin which was one of the baking club recipes this month. These were so good as well. My nephews loved them!

I do have plans to cook a couple of things over the weekend, but they will go in next month's post.

What have you been making this month?

Please note: You may have to refresh the page to see your link on Mr Linky.

    Weekend Cooking is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book reviews (novel, nonfiction), cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs, restaurant reviews, travel information, or fun food facts. If your post is even vaguely foodie, feel free to grab the button and link up anytime over the weekend. You do not have to post on the weekend. Please link to your specific post, not your blog's home page.


  1. Those Monte Cristo Cookies sound wonderful, can't wait for the recipe! Your scones are beautiful.

    1. I will try to post it in a couple of weeks Melynda.

  2. That’s quite an accomplishment — so many sweet dreams.

    be well... mae at

  3. I'm always forgetting about how good it is to use ricotta in recipes. Of course, I need to remember to look for it during my frantic trips to the grocery store, when I'm trying harder to stay away from unmasked people than do my shopping!

  4. I love the idea of the virtual tea party. I agree that ricotta is excellent for baking ... alas none in the house and I'm not going back to to the store either.


    Mr. Linky won't let me upload a picture.

    1. I've added your link!

    2. THANKS! I think the issue is my security settings. Next week I'll try adding it from my phone or ipad

  5. Where do I start??? I want to make the cinnamon scrolls and the ricotta ones.
    They do look like poo or as we say here poop. We have a Poop ice cream cafe that is all poo themed! It's a hoot.

    1. LOL! It surprises me that we don't have a cafe like that Jackie. Maybe I just haven't discovered it yet.

  6. I'm glad you posted a photo of the Monte Carlo biscuits as I didn't know what they were. And now I want some. Everything you made looks wonderful, you are a talented baker!

    1. Thanks Tina! I can follow instructions at least!

  7. Monte Carlo biscuits sound like something I *need*! ;-) Everything looks delicious. I laughed at your friends' comments about the cupcakes but if the combination is chocolate and salted caramel I would be too busy eating them to think about it!

    1. Deb, they may have laughed but they all missed out because they were delicious

  8. What a lovely display of all those wonderful baked goods. I'm probably attracted most to the cinnamon scrolls

  9. I am luckuy that my husband is an appreciative audience Vicki!

  10. Baking is my favorite thing. Your tea looks especially delightful. I'd love to see your recipe for the Tangy Ricotta Muffins.

    BTW, my cousin is a professional photographer that specializes in food photography, and so many of those foods photographed so beautifully are not food at all! I try to keep this in mind when my foods don't come out like the picture in the cookbook.

    1. I have long given up on good food photography. My photos are a bit like my food - a bit rustic but still delicious

  11. Your family must love coming to visit at your house! All of your baking looks scrumptious!
    BTW, I had trouble loading a picture from my site; I think they were all too large (file size). I created a thumbnail image and it took that no problem.

    1. My son is not fussed at all Laurie, but my husband is appreciative.

  12. your monte carlos look rustic but i bet they were delicious marg. i agree about adriano zumbo - he has the personality of a wet fish, poor chap. just wondering, and please don't take offence, but could you pretty please add the In my Kitchen logo or the link to the IMK post on my blog if you are adding your post for the month? otherwise nobody here knows about IMK! Cheers thanks sherry

    1. I normally do Sherry, just forgot this month. I forgot the Weekend Cooking one the first time I posted this post.

  13. You gave me a laugh with the comment about a poo emoji, I must agree as it did look like that but sounded delicious. Wonderful baking going on in your kitchen, thanks for sharing with us.

  14. I have never heard of a Monte Carlo before so thanks for sharing that :)

  15. So many delicious bakes! I can never go past a cinnamon scroll, always my favourite :)
