Saturday, September 05, 2020

Weekend Cooking: TTT Books that made me hungry....again

I have a confession to make. This week I have been super crazy busy at work which has meant working late every night and being completely brain dead at the end of each day.  I am also likely to be working all weekend which means that I don't have a terrible lot of inspiration for this week's post.

However, earlier this week I did write a post that could count as a Weekend Cooking post, so I am going to share that with you instead.

Most weeks I participate in an event called Top Ten Tuesday which is where there is a theme and then lots of people tell us all about ten books or bookish things that fit the theme.This week, the theme was Books That Made Me Hungry. There were lots of different takes on the topic. Lots of people chose books with food on the cover, or just books that made you hungry when you read them.

I chose a book that reminded me of childhood, books that made me hungry as well as a book that I had cooked something from after reading it. Most of the books on my list were chosen by searching the words hungry and delicious on the blog and I had so many books I could choose from. I didn't even need to look at the titles or covers to find books. In fact, I had so many I could have done the theme three times over!

Here's my post and a couple of the books that I had on my list

Top Ten Tuesday: Books that Made Me Hungry

And you can find all the other posts that people contributed here.

Books that I saw on lots of people's lists that were on my list included With the Fire on High, the Hannah Swenson series of mysteries which are set in a cookie shop, and Sarah Addison Allen's books.

What books would you have included on your Top Ten list of books that made you hungry?

Weekly meals

Saturday: Beef stew with mash potato (pressure cooker)
Sunday: Beef stew with rice
Monday: "Fried" chicken with mash potato, beans and gravy
Tuesday: Pork chops, mash potato and creamed spinach
Wednesday: Spaghetti bolognaise and yummy garlic bread (not the brand name but that's what we call it).
Thursday: Pork nachos
Friday: Takeaway night - Chicken schnitzel, chips and gravy

Add your link!

Weekend Cooking is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book reviews (novel, nonfiction), cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs, restaurant reviews, travel information, or fun food facts. If your post is even vaguely foodie, feel free to grab the button and link up anytime over the weekend. You do not have to post on the weekend. Please link to your specific post, not your blog's home page.


  1. I agree with you that it was an interesting theme for the Tuesday Top 10 -- so many different interpretations of a book that made you hungry. Thanks for hosting Weekend Cooking.

    be well... mae at

    1. Thanks for participating in Weekend Cooking Mae!

  2. I love the covers on the three books that you featured!How to Bake a Perfect Life sounds interesting.
    Thanks for sharing and thanks for hosting Weekend Cooking.

    1. Judee, it's a very comfortable and enjoyable read!

  3. Oh gosh, I'm like you -- I bet there are a ton of books on my blog that made me hungry. I'm always attracted to novel with a foodie theme!

    1. Me too BFR! And even just books which aren't foodie but have a mention of food!

  4. Even when a book isn't about food, if the characters go out to eat or something, suddenly I want to eat whatever they are having! LOL

  5. Darn! My comment disappeared when I went back to check out your pork nachos recipe. I would do this with a lettuce wrap.
    Love getting inspiration from others' weekly menus.

    1. That sounds good Jackie! I might have to try it myself! Maybe as lunch with leftovers.

  6. Barbara O'Neal's books that include food related themes always make me think food. I loved The Apple Orchard by Susan Wiggs too, that made me hungry as well!

    1. I might have to take a look at that Wiggs book Kathryn

  7. Chicken schnitzel is breaded chicken breast Vicki. It is such a common dish here so it surprised me when it wasn't everywhere overseas!

  8. I loved Marian Keyes cookbook, it has some delicious recipes!

    1. A cookbook with laughs. What more could you ask for Heather!

  9. Save Me the Plumbs by Ruth Reichl was the last book that made me hungry. I'd have to give it some thought to come up with nine more. You reminded me that I've been meaning to try Top 10 Tuesday. Thanks!

  10. I would certainly like to know how to bake a perfect life, haha. I love that title.

    Also garlic bread is the best.

    1. This particular brand of garlic bread is definitely amazing Annemieke!
