Thursday, May 27, 2021

Music A to Z: D

Welcome to the week 4 of my Music A to Z feature. Each week on Thursday, I am going to share a song where either the song or the artist name begins with the letter for that week. This week, the letter is....


Don't You Worry Child by Swedish House Mafia - I chose to include this song because it is one that I used to listen to and sing along to in the car with my son!

Wagon Wheel by Darius Rucker - This is one of those songs that I have to get up and dance to whenever I hear it! The reason why Darius Rucker makes this list though, is because I would love, love, love to get see Darius Rucker live. I love his songs and his voice, and if he ever comes to Australia, I will be there.

New Rules by Dua Lipa - Dua Lipa is a relatively new artist but I have loved all her songs since I first heard of her. I particularly love the line in the chorus "And if  you're under him, you ain't gettin over him."

Always the Last to Know by Del Amitri - I remember listening to this album over and over again when I was in my early 20s. I also particularly associate this with a friend of mine because we listened to this as we drove aimlessly around the city on many occasions. Funny thing is one day a few years I mentioned this to them and they have no recollection at all of this album.

Feel free to share your D songs in the comments


  1. Ok, Don't Let me Down by the Beatles which I love but I am a Beatles fan so most of ther songs work for me.

    Dylan, who just turned 80 !!

    1. Bob Dylan apparently played a part in writing the song Wagon Wheel that I have linked above!
