Tuesday, February 02, 2021

Reading Reflections: What I read in January

I know I am going to sound old when I say this, but where on earth has January gone? How can we be a month into the year already? It doesn't really seem possible, but it is.

I managed to read 5 books during the month, three of which were part of the same series.

Here's what I read:

An American in Paris by Siobhan Curham - WWII and Paris! You know that is my jam! Review here

The first three books in the Granite Springs series by Maggie Christensen, an Australian author. The good thing about this series is that it is a  rural romance series which features older characters, which is lovely to read!

The Prenup by Lauren Layne - I read this in one setting. It's just one of those fun reads that you can inhale!

Pretty sure the shortest month of the year will fly by too!


  1. Sounds like a great reading month. I love it when you find a series you love so much you just keep on going right away. Here's to lots of good books in February!

    1. I am tempted to keep going with more in the series Iliana.

  2. I like the sound of the Maggie Christensen series, thanks!
