Thursday, November 11, 2021

Music A-Z: X



Welcome to this week's edition of my Music A to Z feature. Each week on Thursday, I am going to share a song where either the song or the artist name begins with the letter for that week. This week, the letter is....


I am getting to the tail end of the alphabet now, which means not many weeks to go, but it also means that I am getting to the difficult letters!

I could, for example, share Xanadu by Olivia Newton John, but it's definitely not my favourite song by her.

50 Years by Uncanny X-Men - I know that the band name actually starts with U, but they were always referred to as the X-Men, so I am claiming it. This song is probably one of the quintessential songs of my teenage years. It was released in 1986, when I was 15 years old. The thought of asking where will we be in 50 years seemed like forever away but as of now we are 35 years in! Another 15 years doesn't seem like that far away!

Follow the Sun - Xavier Rudd - Could a video be more relaxing?

Do you have any X songs? Feel free to share them in the comments.

1 comment:

  1. This is a hard one! I can't think of any songs or bands this week :-(
