Monday, January 10, 2022

This Week ....

I'm reading....

I mentioned last week that I have just started reading The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison. I am still reading it as I haven't really had a lot of time this week.

I am, however, doing something a little different as I am reading. I have joined Bookly and I am using it to record my reading times etc. The idea is that when you finish a book you get a nice graphic which includes statistics like reading time. I haven't really finished a book yet, so I don't know exactly what it will look like. We'll see

I'm watching

Being back at work means less TV time too! 

I did watch the first two episodes of Suits this week. I really enjoyed them so I am contemplating that Suits might be my just put it on and watch whenever we have a spare hour kind of show.

I also decided that I was in a Disney kind of mood so we watched Encanto last night! I really liked it, and I think that Robert did too!

A few months ago we watched Attack on Titan with my son. It's a Japanese manga which I probably wouldn't normally watch, but if it means that he will come out and spend some time with us then you take it right.


We have had such big storms here over the last few days. Thunder and lightning (very, very frightening) along with associated power and internet outages. My husband, Robert, volunteers for the local emergency services and so he spent a lot of time out on calls.

It was our anniversary of first meeting this weekend, so we squeezed in a dinner on Friday night and then we went to see Wind in the Willows which is being staged in the botanical gardens by the Australian Shakespeare Company, and I have to say it was a total delight to watch. I am hoping to post about it later this week, but we will see.

Posts from the week

Top Ten Tuesday: Most anticipated books in the first half of 2022

Musings on Music: Mix Tape by Jane Sanderson

Weekend Cooking: First Date Food

Sunday Salon: 2021 in review

I've linked this post to It's Monday, what are you reading? as hosted by Book Date


  1. I haven't heard of Bookly. I hope it does what you want it to do. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. We will see what it ends up looking like once I finish my first book.

  2. Now that you mention Bookly I recall it being mentioned in one of the Top Ten Tuesday posts and I meant to check it out. Hmm...may have to revisit that idea. Happy reading!

  3. We haven't watched Encanto yet, but I'm hoping to get my kids to sit down with me to watch it soon with me. Happy New Year! - Melinda @ A Web of Stories
