Saturday, March 12, 2022

Weekend Cooking: Eating our way around Tassie!!

A couple of weeks ago we went to Tasmania on holidays. We spent a week driving around the island and along the way we had some delicious meals which I am sharing with you today as well as some of the associated happy snaps

Our first day we went straight from the airport to Port Arthur which is a historic convict settlement which tells the story of Australia's convict history. We went to dinner at the local pub which happens to look out over the site. 

For breakfast the next day we went one better and had brunch at the site, looking out over the ruins.

From Port Arthur we headed further up the coast to a town called Swansea, with a few stops along the way looking at some of the amazing coastal scenery. Our reason for staying in this town was it's close-ish location to a place called Coles Bay, which is the launching point to visit a gorgeous place called Wineglass Bay. 

Whilst you can walk to Wineglass Bay (which would take the best part of a day) we chose to do a cruise out to it. The weather gods were very kind to us and we had a perfect day. The Tasman Sea was very calm and we were able to further up the coast than they normally would. The ploughman's lunch was included in the cruise, and the boat sat in the waters off Wineglass Bay while we ate our lunch. It was a great experience.

Not far from Coles Bay we stopped at a place called Bicheno. There is a place there called The Lobster Shack that had been recommended to us. It probably isn't a surprise to hear that they are a seafood restaurant. Being an island, Tasmania is famous for it's seafood. All the way up the east coast there were signs for oysters for sale. I am not the biggest fan of oysters, but I wouldn;t hesitate to recommend the lobster!

From Bicheno we headed further north to St Helens overnight. There is a place there called Bay of Fires which is supposed to be spectacular but the weather turned so we didn't spend a lot of time there. Our next destination was to be Cradle Mountain, with a lunch stop at Boags Brewery in Launceston where we had a Brewer's Board and loaded nachos and a tasting paddle of four different beers.

The next morning we again had a perfect day for visiting Cradle Mountain. We will definitely be coming back here at some point.

On the way up to and back from Cradle Mountain we stopped in a town called Sheffield. It's a town that Jackie from Junkboat Travels would like. Sheffield is known as the Town of Murals. The whole town is full of murals, many honouring local identities, and there is a competition each year for new murals to be added to the outdoor gallery.  Here are a couple of them.

One of the things that Tasmania is famous for is scallop pie. Usually the pie is filled with scallops in a mild curry sauce. I did try one but I am not sure I would go out of my way for another one.

We headed back south with a stop in Campbell Town to look at the convict built bridge, and then onto Ross, with another bridge, and a delicious dinner at the local pub.

Last year I read a book called The Last of the Apple Blossoms by Mary-Lou Stephens, and I was inspired by reading this book to want to visit a cidery in the Huon Valley, so that was our lunch destination on the way to Hobart. 

At the cidery, we had a tasting paddle of ciders (our favourite was the organic cider) and one of the best toasted sandwiches I have ever had.

And finally we spent the two nights in Hobart, seeing the sites!

Our final dinner was at a restaurant called The Drunken Admiral which sits right on one of the docks. The restaurant itself is full of so much stuff, all connected to sailing or history and it was such a fun place. I had been told that I had to try to the chowder, and then I couldn't go past the battered prawns. There was no room for dessert. I have already recommended it to someone else. We will definitely be going back to this place next time we are in Hobart.

It was lovely week off and we are already talking about the kinds of things we might do if we go back to Tassie. We are talking about doing a long weekend at Coles Bay and also to take the car over in the ferry and spend time on the North and East coast next time.

And now, I think I have run out of reasons to post more pictures from Tasmania.

Weekly meals

Saturday - Family Dinner - Butter Chicken Pizza
Sunday - Roast Pork Belly with vegetables
Monday - Spanish Tuna Pasta Bake
Tuesday - Baked potatoa with bacon, onion and mushroom topping
Wednesday - Thai Green Curry Pie
Thursday - Pressure Cooker Spaghetti Bolognaise
Friday - Takeaway

Weekend Cooking is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book reviews (novel, nonfiction), cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs, restaurant reviews, travel information, or fun food facts. If your post is even vaguely foodie, feel free to grab the button and link up anytime over the weekend. You do not have to post on the weekend. Please link to your specific post, not your blog's home page


  1. What a super vacation! I loved all your photos here (and IG, etc.) Such a great combination of nature, history, art, and food!

  2. Now that’s a trip that could on my bucket list. Beautiful scenery and the food photos have me envious. 👍

  3. Looks like you had a nice vacation with some beautiful photos and some delicious eating. Thanks for sharing- I learned about some places I would never know about.

  4. Thanks for the shout out, Marg!!!
    Funny, I was lying awake this morning at Stupid O'Clock thinking we should have added a month or 2 onto our trip to Australia and New Zealand in 2015. Then we could have gone to Tasmania!

  5. Your trip looks wonderful!

    best... mae at

  6. Wow! This looks like an amazing trip! I love all of the photos!

  7. What a great week! Everything looks delicious and the adventures sound great.

  8. we have been to tassie many times but we always love it! love the food and the scenery and the people and and ...

  9. What a wonderful trip- the sights, the food, it all looks amazing. I'm glad you got to enjoy it.
