Tuesday, September 06, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday: Lost books

Welcome to this week's edition of Top Ten Tuesday which is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This 

week the theme is supposed to be Books I Loved So Much I Had to Get a Copy for My Personal Library. Now, I am sure that I have some of those books but I am going rogue today. 

I have had this idea for a TTT post for a while now so today is the day I am going to do "Lost" books.This idea originally came about when I noticed how many girls get lost in various places around the world but I haven't limited this post to the places girls get lost.

The Lost Girls of Paris by Pam Jenoff

The Lost Girls of Devon by Barbara O'Neal

The Lost Sister of Fifth Avenue and The Lost Girl of Berlin by Ella Carey

The Lost Village by Daniele Sacerdoti

The Lost Vintage by Ann Mah

The Lost Love Song by Minnie Darke

The Lost Lake by Sarah Addison Allen

The Book of Lost Threads by Tess Evans

The Lost Art of Mixing by Erica Bauermeister

Maybe next time I should do a list of found books!


  1. Yes, that seems to be a very common trope!

    My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-books-i-loved-so-much-i-had-to-get-a-copy-for-my-personal-library/

  2. I read Lost Lake a few years ago and enjoyed it! But I never realized how many books have LOST in the title.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

    1. There are lots more books with lost in the title too Pam!

  3. Wow had no idea so many books had the word lost in the title!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2022/09/06/top-ten-tuesday-384/

  4. A great list. I didn't know there were so many lost books out there!

    Have a good week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

    1. No where near as many books with Found in the title Emily

  5. These all look like such great books. Love your theme. I've wanted to read The Lost Girls of Paris for a while. Lost Lake also look interesting. Thanks for sharing.


    1. The Girls of Paris is the only one of this list I haven't read..

  6. I think it would be interesting for you to do a book of found books after this. :D I haven't read any of these, but a lot of them sound like they'd be good.

    My TTT

    1. I will see how many found books I can find!

  7. Such an interesting prompt and picks. I didn't know this many books had the word lost in their titles!
    Here is my TTT: https://herseriallife.com/top-10-ebooks-i-loved-so-much-i-have-to-get-a-copy/
    Have a great week 🙂

  8. Oooh, I love this topic! I'm always intrigued by titles with the word "lost" in them. They scream MYSTERY to me and I love a good mystery :)

    Happy TTT!

    1. And yet none of these are true mysteries

  9. I very much enjoyed the Lost Girls of Devon. There are so many "lost covers" you highlighted which I wasnt aware of. Great - now my Goodreads list will be bigger!! :-)

  10. I still need to read Lost Girls of Devon!

  11. I missed this post on Tuesday.....just didn't make it around to everyone. But this is a very clever collection. I didn't realize there are SO many people/things lost! :)
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  12. Many Lost books! Who knew. Maybe not as many Found books?
