Monday, March 13, 2023

This week...

I'm reading

I finished reading My Father's House which I thoroughly enjoyed. I also finished the audiobook of Around the World in Eight Days. Now, for a complete change of pace, I am listening to the audio of The Martian and I started reading Hopeful Hearts at Cornish Cove by Kim Nash.  I haven't actually read Kim Nash before, but there was great excitement in the tour company's Facebook page when this one was announced so I didn't want to miss out. It is very readable so far!

My read-on-a-theme bookclub theme this time is books to screen. I have already listed to Around the World in Eighty Days which is my official choice, but I decided that the time was right to read/listen to The Martian by Andy Weir. The Martian is one of my all time favourite movies. If I am scrolling through the TV channels and I see it on, I will always watch it.  This means that I have probably seen the end of the movie at least a dozen or more times. The beginning... not so much. This definitely qualifies for the theme this month so I will have two books to talk about!

I'm watching

We haven't really watched anything this week


It is a long weekend here this weekend! So far it has been very pleasant. We went to a wedding celebration for friends on Saturday and on Sunday we enjoyed a very pleasant afternoon in the city visiting the Monet and Friends exhibition at Lume and then having a delicious Thai dinner.

We really enjoyed the time we spent at Monet and Friends. This is one of those immersive experiences where the art is displayed on huge screens all around you, including using the floor. It is digitally enhanced, so for example, if there is a dragonfly in a painting it will be hovering above the flowers rather than static, and there is also classical music added to it. We ended up staying for a couple of hours. The first time through the display we just sat and watched it. The second time through we sat at the cafe having a pot of tea and a macaron, listening and watching but from a different angle this time!

Posts from the last week

Top Ten Tuesday: Sing!
Musings on Music: Ed Sheeran
Weekend Cooking: Pi Day

I've linked this post to It's Monday, what are you reading? as hosted by Book Date


  1. We went to a VanGogh immersive experience and it's absolutely amazing. I didn't actually like The Martian book all that felt like too much dry science. But then the movie came out and I loved it! But, I tried Project Hail Mary and again, kind of a dry beginning, but with the introduction of his alien buddy, I was hooked 100%.
    Thanks for stopping by
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

    1. I really think that having seen the movie so many times is really helping me enjoy the book more Terrie!

  2. I read or listened really to The Martian and then went to the movie when it came out. Loved both.

    1. I am definitely enjoying this one Kathryn!

  3. I really enjoyed The Martian both as a book and movie.
    The art show sounds terrific

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. The art show was definitely great! Thanks for stopping by Shelleyrae!

  4. Hi Margaret! I loved Project Hail Mary as an audio, maybe I should try The Martian as well. I actually have the physical book on my shelf, so I guess I should just read it.

    Aaah those Monet's are just beautiful! I can imagine that it felt as if you were in a dreamlike state.

    Have a wonderful week ahead!

    1. It was definitely a lovely way to spend a couple of hours Mareli!

  5. I loved the book The Martian and the movie as well. It's a favorite of the movies we own. Love the Monet with Friends exhibit, that would be fun!

    1. It was fun Tina! Thanks for stopping by!

  6. The Martian is still on my Kindle TBR pile. I really do hope to get to it one of these days. That Monet exhibition sounds amazing. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. We all have one of these days books on our TBR I am sure Kathy!

  7. My son and husband loved The Martian (but disliked all the cursing). It is not my preferred genre so I won't be reading it. I hope you enjoy it.

    1. Sci-fi isn't my favourite genre either Cindy, but every now and again I dip into it and see how it is!

  8. Book to movie is a fun theme. We managed to watch Women Talking last week in its brief streaming visit to Amazon Prime. I'm curious about the book, now, since the film was so intense.

    1. There are plenty of options available to fit the theme Joy!

  9. I saw The Martian a few years ago and really liked it. I'll have to check out the book. Hope you have a great week!

    1. I hope you do too Yvonne! Thanks for stopping by!

  10. We loved the Immersive Van Gogh exhibit we went to as well. Like you, we stayed around through two cycles. I wish there had been a place to sit and have a macaron at ours though!

    I liked The Martian (book) a lot but I've only seen the movie once. Enjoy your week!

    1. Watching it twice is definitely the way to go Jen!

  11. There's still time Vicki!
