Thursday, May 04, 2023

Blog Tour: Summer at Croftwood Cinemas by Victoria Walker

Patsy Clements moved back to Croftwood three years ago. She has a job she enjoys working as a barista for her friend Oliver. She loves knitting with the local knitting club and she enjoys her very quiet, very single life. But this is not who Patsy was before she moved back. She has made every effort to be practically invisible, and for good reason.

When Oliver asks her to help him out with his new project, reinvigorating the derelict local cinema which has been closed for years, she agrees, not knowing that her life will be changed in many ways by the experience.

There are so many things that need to be done. There's changes to the building,  interior design decisions to be made, the projector needs to be looked at, staff to be hired. The list is endless and Patsy shows time and again that she has the skills and attitude to get things done.

During the course of the renovations she comes into contact with Matt, the architect who is working on the cinema. Patsy and Matt clash from the beginning. And then there is Ed, who comes on board to help with getting the vintage film projector working.

I really loved all the details of the refurbishment of the cinema, and definitely had me wishing I could visit the cinema at Croftwood. The backstage area sounded like an amazing space!

I also loved seeing Patsy grow back into her own, particularly in standing up to the issues from the past which had her living such a small life. With her growing confidence she also found herself having some options when it came to men. I liked this aspect of the story although I did wonder at the speed at which everyone was falling in and out of love.

This is the first book I have read by Victoria Walker, but I will read more. I am particularly interested in reading her books set in Iceland as that is such an unusual setting.

This was an enjoyable easy read which really had me feeling like I need to visit some of my favourite cinemas. One of my favourites is an art deco cinema full of period details. Maybe I can find some time to visit it over the weekend.

Check out other stops on the tour too! The details are below.

Rating 4/5

Thanks to Rachel's Random Resources for the review copy.

About the Book:

Summer at Croftwood Cinema

Patsy Clements lives in Croftwood. It’s been her sanctuary for three years while she rebuilt a life for herself that is safe and happy. Out of necessity, she has learnt to live without ambitions or dreams, but she does have her best friend Oliver who means everything to her.

Oliver Jones owns the trendy local coffee shop and establishes himself as the town entrepreneur when he buys the derelict old cinema in the park. Bringing it back to life is going to be a challenge and he wants his best friend Patsy to be his business partner.

After lying low for three years is it a mistake for her to change the life that has kept her safe or is it time to start living again? Will stepping into the limelight tempt fate and mean her past catches up with her and can she survive if it does?

Join Patsy and Oliver in the small town of Croftwood for a summer where friendships are made, challenges are everywhere and romance blossoms at the cinema in the park.

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About the author:

Victoria Walker has been writing romantic fiction since a visit to Iceland in 2014 inspired her first novel. As well as writing, she spends her free time dressmaking, knitting and reading an inordinate amount of contemporary romance, occasionally punctuated by the odd psychological thriller and saga.

In the past she has worked as a cinema projectionist, a knitting and sewing tutor and has owned a yarn store, all things which will no doubt appear in her books if they haven't already.

Victoria lives in the Malvern Hills with her husband.

Social Media Links –



Twitter -@4victoriawalker

Instagram - victoriamakes

1 comment:

  1. This sounds good -- especially after enjoying the movie Empire of Light. I'm suddenly finding myself fascinated by old cinemas.
