Monday, July 31, 2023

Paris in July: A l'année prochaine


And so, we come to the end of another fabulous Paris in July. My sincere thanks to Emma at Words and Peace who volunteered to host the event this year. She has done a fabulous job! Thanks also to all my fellow participants who shared about books, movies, history, food and more! 

I have really enjoyed this year, especially sharing some of my holiday memories. Unless something dramatic happens next year I won't have memories to call on, although never say never, as I have lots of holiday memories from Normandy and the Loire valley which I haven't even touched on. Needless to say I am already looking forward to when I can once again visit Paris.

Emma shared a bingo board for us as part of Paris in July. I think I covered off quite a few of the categories

I have claimed a Bingo diagonally as I have read a book with a very small Eiffel Tower on the cover, I have talked about my travels in France, posted about French music and posted about a couple of French films.

I have already got a couple of posts lined up for next year!

Here is a list of all of my posts from both this year, and previous years

The French Chateau Dream by Julie Caplin (book review)

Lunch at a Michelin star restaurant in Paris (food, holidays memories)

TTT- Books that caught my eye in Shakespeare and Company (books, holiday memories)

A Month in Provence by Gillian Harvey (book review)

Driving Madeline (movie review)

Foodie Walking Tour of Le Marais (food, holiday memories)

Party Music 

Mrs Harris Goes to Paris by Paul Gallico (movie and book review)

Dinner at Le Souffle (food, holiday memories)

Dreaming in French by Vanessa McCausland (book review)

The Flower Market (holiday memories)

Top Ten Tuesday: Last 10 Books I Have Read Which Were Set in France

Chasing the Stars by Virginie Grimaldi (book review)

Sugar and Stars (movie review)

Happy Snaps (holiday memories)

Marques, prêts, partez!

Visiting The Marche aux Puces de Saint Ouen (Quote, Paris landmarks)

The Lost Sister of Fifth Avenue by Ella Carey (book review)

Paris Songs (music)
Vintage Weekend Cooking: Romantics Anonymous (movie review)
Weeking Cooking: French Onion Casserole (food)
Bestsellers Around the World (books)

Paris in July (music)

Wrap up post (music)


Everyone Loves Paris (quote)

Cassoulet (food)

French Bookstores (quote, books)

Midnight in Paris (movie review)

Bestsellers Around the World (books)

TTT  - Books set in Paris (books)

Cheese and books (food, books, quote)


  1. Yes it has been a lot of fun.
    best, mae at

  2. wow, cool recap!
    Thanks for all your contributions, and it's fun to know you already have ideas for next year!!

  3. I was close to several bingos so I was glad that I got one!
