Sunday, July 02, 2023

Six Degrees of Separation: Time Shelter to The Girl in Times Square



Welcome to this month's edition of Six Degrees of Separation, which is a monthly meme hosted by Kate from Books Are My Favourite and Best.  The idea is to start with a specific book and make a series of links from one book to the next using whatever link you can find and see where you end up after six links.  I am also linking this post up with The Sunday Salon, hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz. 


This month the starting point is

Time Shelter by Georgi Gospodinov and translated by Angela Rodel.

I am pretty sure that you are going to be able to pick my theme for the month pretty easily! My first choice is The Time of Singing by Elizabeth Chadwick which is medieval historical fiction

Another medieval historical fiction title with the word time in is Time and Chance by Sharon Kay Penman

A few years ago I used to spend time with fans of Sharon Kay Penman, and I am sure that I was recommended this book- The Time Traveller's Guide to Medieval England: A Handbook for Visitors to the Fourteenth Century by Ian Mortimer.

If Iook at the words time traveller, I instantly thought of The Time Traveller's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger.

The time traveller's wife is somebody's daughter which leads me to Daughter of Time by Josephine Tey.

She would have also been a girl at some point, so my final link in the chain is The Girl in Times Square by Paullina Simons.

The starting point for next month is Romantic Comedy by Curtis Sittenfeld. Will you be joining us?


  1. The time theme is a fun one! I have even read three of these - time traveler's guide the daughter of time, and time traveller's wife. I have not read much historical fiction lately, but I'd like to try chadwick and penman for sure.

    1. Penman is a must read for medieval historical fiction and Elizabeth Chadwick has long been a favourite too!

  2. I enjoyed seeing the theme you chose for this month's post. I have only read The Time Traveler's Wife from you list. I hope you have a great week, Marg!

  3. This was fun to read! I really like the theme - definitely fun to see where the links lead to.

    1. The links can take you in lots of different directions!

  4. What an interesting concept to link books by six degrees!
    I enjoyed your post!

  5. The time theme is a good one. I enjoyed following where you went with this one.

    And you reminded me of how much I enjoyed reading the books of Sharon Kay Penman. I think she writes exceptionally good historical fiction.

    1. She definitely did write amazing historical fiction.

  6. That was a fun one. I can't see the phrase "time traveler," now, and not think of The Time Traveler's Wife.

  7. Time travel as a way to see the past is a fun book theme. It looks as if you are following Paris in July -- I hope you find some good themes to write about.
    best, mae at

    1. I am definitely in for Paris in July Mae!

  8. How fun! And it's so unusual to have the same book in both our lists!
    Penman's books are so so good. I met her in person in my younger days, while gibing a lecture at the Kalamazoo Medieval Congress. She's a lot of fun

    1. I am jealous that you got to meet her Emma!

  9. They are a lot of fun Vicki! Hope you join in.
