Saturday, July 22, 2023

Weekend Cooking: Dinner at Le Souffle

We only had one Saturday in Paris when we were visiting earlier this year. Over the last few weeks I have shared about visiting doing a food tour of Le Marais, then visiting Shakespeare and Company and today I am sharing about our dinner at a restaurant called Souffle. I'll give you three guesses about what the main dishes they serve are? Oh, you only needed one! We managed to fit a lot in on that Saturday.

I mentioned that I met my friend Beth who lives in Southern France at Shakespeare and Co. She had come up to Paris to meet us and our plan was to meet, then see if we can do something touristy and then go for dinner at Souffle, where her daughter would meet us for dinner.

We ended up spending our something touristy time wandering around Place de la Concorde and then down to the river

I was very glad that Beth was with us that night As you might be able to tell from the pictures above, it was quite wet, so I kept on taking my glasses off and putting them in my pocket so that they didn't get rain on them. apparently I did that one too many times because I took my glasses out and suddenly the arm was disconnected. With Beth's assistance we were able to find an optician who gave us the bad news that the frame wasn't repairable, at which point I was a bit concerned as there was no way I would be able to survive without my glasses for another few weeks before I got home. Luckily, we were able to get another pair of frames that my lenses could fit into, so problem solved!

Given that it is a souffle restaurant, we chose souffles for all three courses, however there are other options. For example, Beth had a salmon dish that had a souffle like topping. I started with a cheese souffle, and then followed up with a chicken and mushroom souffle and then followed up with chocolate souffle. Robert is a sucker for anything creme brulee so he has the creme brulee souffle with a white chocolate heart.Everything was super delicious and the wait staff were very attentive even though the restaurant was full.

Of course, this is the kind of place that tourists love, but we were tourists so that is all good as far as I am concerned. I would totally go back again just for the fun of it.

Now I am determined that I am going to have a go at making souffle myself. Years ago I did a French cooking class and we made a twice cooked cheese souffle so I do know it isn't necessarily as hard as it seems like it would be. I suspect I will start with a chocolate souffle. We'll see. Maybe I will post about it for next year's Paris in July!

Weekly meals

Saturday - Butter chicken pizza 
Sunday -  French onion casserole
Monday - French onion casserole (leftovers)
Tuesday - 
Wednesday - Out for dinner
Thursday - Takeaway
Friday -Out for dinner

Weekend Cooking is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book reviews (novel, nonfiction), cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs, restaurant reviews, travel information, or fun food facts. If your post is even vaguely foodie, feel free to grab the button and link up anytime over the weekend. You do not have to post on the weekend. Please link to your specific post, not your blog's home page


  1. My suspicion about The SoufflĂ© is that it’s not as difficult as its reputation suggests. There’s a very big reason why this is the case: the modern oven keeps a steady temperature which is what is needed to make the fluffy result happen. When modern kitchens were reliably equipped with these ovens, the mythical difficulty was resolved!
    Looks like a fun restaurant in Paris.
    best, mae at

  2. Soufflés are not that easy to do, according to my experience, but they are delicious
