Monday, January 08, 2024

This Week

I'm reading

I finished both of the books that I was reading last week on 1 and 2 January so at one point this year I was on track to read 365 books for the year, but now I am back to a normal reading schedule.

I am currently reading Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros, the second book in The Empyrean series. I have been sucked straight back into that world and can't wait to read more!

I am still listening to At the Foot of the Cherry Tree by Alli Parker on audiobook

I'm watching

This week we finally watched the  All the Things We Cannot See, based on the book by Anthony Doerr. My husband I both really enjoyed the adaptation. It definitely bought back memories from when we visited St Malo when we were in France last year. It feels a bit weird to say last year still doesn't it!

We also started watching season 3 of Starstruck, which is an English comedy about a New Zealander living in London who meets a movie star! We really enjoyed the first two series so I am expecting to enjoy this one too.


It's our anniversary today! 7 years!! Last year we went to dinner at the Eiffel Tower, so that was always going to be a hard celebration to live up to, but we gave it a good crack. We had a staycation here in Melbourne. We went to see the BBC Earth Experience, which is where you get to travel around the world whilst watching all the amazing animals and scenery.

On Saturday night we went to dinner and then we went to Circus 1903, which was amazing! This is a stage show of an old style circus, complete with acrobats, strong men, contortionists, heaps of audience participation, and not to mention amazing elephant puppets. Here's a video to give you a taste of what we saw.

On Sunday we started the day with a swim in the infinity pool at the hotel, and then we went to lunch at at a fancy buffet. The food was amazing, especially the seafood.


Posts from the last week

Top Ten Tuesday: Best of 2023

I've linked this post to It's Monday, what are you reading? as hosted by Book Date


  1. Happy anniversary! I really enjoyed Iron Flame too. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. I am enjoying it. It is taking me a while to get through though because it is long!!

  2. Happy Anniversary! Sounds like a good week for you. Hope the upcoming week is good too.

  3. I'm glad to hear your liked the adaptation of All the Light We Cannot See. I loved the book so much, I read it twice and then visited St Malo on a trip to France in 2018. I had read a few reviews that warned me off it, so now I may have the nerve to give it a try.

    Happy anniversary! Looks like you were able to celebrate sufficiently despite not being in Paris :)

    1. We were in St Malo in December last year!

      The adaptation is certainly watchable. No reason not to give it a go

  4. Happy anniversary! That buffet looks like my dream. :) It's been years since I went to a buffet.

    1. It was a very good buffet. I suspect we might go again!

  5. Happy Anniversary! Congratulations on seven years.

    I am glad you are enjoying Iron Flame, Marg. My daughter was eyeing that book at the bookstore yesterday, but I told her she might want to start with the first book. :-) I still need to read All the Things We Cannot See. I want to read it before seeing the series, but, knowing me, I should just watch the series. There is no telling when I'll get to the book.

    I hope you have a great week!
