Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday: Just Some of the Most Reviewed Books from the 2023 Historical Fiction Reading Challenge





Welcome to this week's edition of Top Ten Tuesday which is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's theme is Bookish Goals for 2024. However, don't really have that many goals, other than tryig to review all the historical fiction novels I read, and I am already behind on that goal! I am therefore going rogue and instead sharing some of the books that were reviewed multiple times during the 2023 Historical Fiction Challenge. On the weekend, I revealed  the book that was reviewed most during the challenge (five times) and the three books that were reviewed  four times. You can see those books here along with other statistics.

Today, I will be sharing the five books that were reviewed three times, and then five (out of the 75) books that were reviewed twice.

First off, here are five books that were reviewed three times:

A Marriage of Fortune by Anne O'Brien - It has been an age since I read any historical fiction with a medieval setting.

Strangers in the Night by Heather Webb - This book tells the story of Frank Sinatra and Ava Gardner

The Last Lifeboat by Hazel Gaynor - This sounds like a very interesting story

The Orchid Hour by Nancy Bilyeau - Love this cover!

The Romantic by William Boyd - This book was longlisted for the Walter Scott Prize for Historical Fiction

And here are five books  that were reviewed twice which I have picked for various reason to share today

The Island of Missing Trees by Elif Shafak - I loved, loved,loved this book when I read it a couple of years ago.

The Sun Walks Down by Fiona McFarlane - This is another book that was shortlisted for the Walter Scott Prize. She is an Australian author, and I feel like she probably goes under the radar a little bit here.

Weyward by Emilia Hart - This was the winner of the Goodreads Choice Awards for Historical Fiction in 2023.

The War Nurses by Anthea Hodgson - I really liked this book when I read it last year.

The Little Wartime Library by Kate Thompson - I keep on being reminded that I really need to read this book!

If you love historical fiction and reading challenges, why not join us. t's not too late to join this year's challenge. All the sign up details are here!


  1. I like your focus on books that were reviewed by more than one person. These tend to be better books< I think.

    1. Or just a coincidence. Either way it distinguishes them from other books.

  2. Interesting twist! I like seeing how different people respond to the same book.

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday post.


  3. I had to laugh when I went to add "War Nurses" to my TBR - not only had I already done it but there are several books with that title and I seem to have marked them all! Although I have zero inclination for nursing itself, I am fascinated by those who seek out nursing work during wars. This book actually reminds me of the TV show Tenko (I probably said that when you first posted about it) which has the same plot.

    1. At one time I have a book called The War Nurses and The Nurses War on my list. It was a bit confusing at times.

  4. I've been eyeing Weyward. Great overall list!

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  5. I only read a little amount of historical fiction but The Little Wartime Library would be one I'd want to read.

  6. Love your list. I didn't read as much historical fiction last year as usual. Hope you enjoy your week.


    1. I hope you get to read some great historical fiction this year

  7. The Orchid Hour has a GREAT cover!

    Also I have borrowed Weyward at least twice from the library and haven't actually gotten around to reading it yet. Maybe next time will be the right time!

  8. Historical fiction is a genre that I used to swear I didn't like because so many were set in the medieval period. But in the past few years, I've learned I do like the genre, just not that era. I will have to check out the challenge you mentioned.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

    1. There's so many different eras to explore in historical fiction Pam!

  9. I had really hoped to get to Weyward this past year, but didn't manage it. My mom is enjoying The Last Life Boat. She's reading that for her book club right now. These all sound good!

  10. My goal this year is to actually review the hist-fic I read AND post links to the challenge pages! LOL. I was terrible at that in 2023. I haven't read any of these books yet, although most of them are on my TBR list. Thanks for posting this list. It's always fun to see what everyone is reading.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

  11. Weyward recently came to my attention. After Cybils is over I will attempt to go back and read some of those 2023 books I missed!

    Happy New Year and good luck on your bookish goals. My 2024 Bookish Goals
