Monday, February 05, 2024

This Week....


I'm reading

The current theme for my read on a theme bookclub is a book outside my comfort zone. I wasn't quite sure what to choose, but in the end I started The Anywhere Hotel by Gisele Stein. The premise is that a woman finds a hotel which is a portal to anywhere you might want to go around the world, although there is a catch. Why is this out of my comfort zone? Because it is a debut novel from a self published author who appear to have set up their own publishing house. I do read some self published authors, but not normally one that only has one or two books.

I'm watching

This week we started watching Masters of the Air which is a new series on Apple TV. It is produced by Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg amongst others. So far, we have watched two episodes and it is good. It has the same feel as Band of Brothers and The Pacific.

Here's the trailer


It is my sister's 50th birthday today, so my aunt is over from Perth with her friend from the UK, so we have been doing some touristy stuff.

On Friday we drove the Great Ocean Road and we had a perfect day for it! It doesn't matter how often we drive that road and end up at the Twelve Apostles it still takes my breath away.

On Saturday we visited the Queen Victoria Markets for a spot of shopping, and then we went to the State Library and then to the viewing platform of the Eureka Tower. Visiting the State Library is one of my favourite things to do in the city. Unfortunately my phone went flat so I don't have many photos but it was a great day, but oh my goodness we walked a lot.

Then on Sunday we had the family lunch. I was tasked with making the cake, which was actually a bit stressful but everyone seemed to enjoy it so that is all that matters.

Posts from the last week

Top Ten Tuesday: New to Me Authors in 2023
Historical Fiction Reading Challenge - February links
Six Degrees of Separation: Sunflowers to Daughter of Fortune

I've linked this post to It's Monday, what are you reading? as hosted by Book Date


  1. I hope The Anywhere Hotel is good.
    Nice cake!

    Wishing you a lovely reading week

  2. Interesting cake -- what's on top? Seems fun. We have just started Masters of the Air too. We will see where it takes us.

    1. The dots are melted white chocolate which have been coloured and then made into different size dots

  3. I like to cover of The Anywhere Hotel. I hope you are enjoying it! Although I haven't read a lot of self-published books, I have enjoyed the ones I've read. Happy Birthday to your sister! Sounds like you had a lovely weekend. I hope you have a great week, Marg! Happy reading!

  4. Sounds like you had a busy week. I hope you enjoy The Anywhere Hotel. I tend to avoid self-published books too. I find they often have insufficient editing. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. So far this one seems okay from an editing perspective Kathy

  5. We are considering starting Masters of Air. Glad to hear you are enjoying it. And I think your cake looks great!

  6. I am like you - I would find your choice of book outside my comfort zone for exactly the same reasons. Looks like a lovely family time. I'll take a look at Masters of the Air but if war well I don't know!

  7. Good luck for the self-published book. They can be tricky, though with lots of discernment, I have read some self-published gems that don't get much publicity

    1. I do have some self published authors I read but usually they have a pretty established backlist and reputation.

  8. Happy birthday to your sister! :D I hope she had a great day. I want to watch MASTERS OF THE AIR. It looks so good. I'm glad you're liking it. :D Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  9. The Anywhere Hotel sounds intriguing, at least! Hope you enjoy it.

  10. Happy BD to your sister and the cake looks fun. Looks like you had fun with touristy stuff with family - nice.
    The Anywhere Hotel sounds like it might be interesting. I hop you enjoy it.
    I'm glad to see another blogger sharing their cooking. I'm off to see that post.
    Happy Reading and Happy Baking!

    1. I host Weekend Cooking where I invite people to share something foodie related every weekend Martha! Please feel free to join us!
