Sunday, June 02, 2024

Six Degrees of Separation: Butter to Tales from the Cafe

Welcome to this month's edition of Six Degrees of Separation, which is a monthly meme hosted by Kate from Books Are My Favourite and Best. The idea is to start with a specific book and make a series of links from one book to the next using whatever link you can find and see where you end up after six links. I am also linking this post up with The Sunday Salon, hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz.

The starting point for this month is Butter by Asako Yuzuki, a book that I really want to read! Let's see where our journey takes us

My first link is based on the subtitle of Butter which is A Novel of Food and Murder. Recently I read Mastering the Art of French Murder by Colleen Cambridge which features an amateur detective investing a murder.

For my second choice, I am focusing on the detective aspect, but fortunately there is not a body in sight. Instead, the detectives in the Kamogawa Food Detectives are searching for the perfect meal which lives in the memories of their clients

Next, I am taking a trip down my own memory lane and choosing to think about a memorable meal of my own. When we were in Paris we had a lunch at a Michelin star restaurant across the road from our hotel. So my choice is Lunch in Paris by Elizabeth Bard

You know I wouldn't be able to resist a link to Paris. The question is which Paris book! In the end I decided to go with Mrs Harris Goes to Paris by Paul Gallico.

My next link is to The Women in Black by Madeleine St John. The connection here is around high end fashion. One of the reason why this book came to mind is that there is going to be a new TV series inspired by the book. I love the movie so definitely plan to watch the TV series when it stars in a couple of weeks.

My final link is based purely on the colour of the cover, but I did like that it is from a Japanese author which ties back to the starting book for this month. My final choice is therefore Tales from the Cafe by Toshikazu Kawaguchi. This is the second book in the Before the Coffee Gets Cold series. As an aside I was very excited to see that the next book in the series recently became available to pre order. Its called Before We Forget Kindness.

Next month the starting point is Kairos by Jenny Erpenbeck

Where did your chain take you this month?


  1. I love this chain, Marg! I was eyeing quite a few of these books yesterday, thinking they all sounded good.

  2. Oh, what a great chain. I would love to read those first two books, they sound perfect for me. By the way, they made a movie of Women in Black called Ladies in Black - lovely film. I'd watch a TV series based on it as well!

  3. I plan to read Mastering the Art of French Murder next month. I thought both Lunch in Paris and Mrs. 'arris Goes to Paris were delightful reads.

    BTW, it makes me feel happy when you include a few Paris titles in your chain.

    1. It makes me happy too Deb! I suspect next month I might have more!

  4. Butter is a good one, I ought to have added to my summer list. I'd like to read that one and Before the Coffee Gets Cold.

    1. I need to add Butter to my TBR list too!

  5. I think I would enjoy Mastering the Art of French Murder. These chains are so fun!

  6. You made good connections here and all the books appeal to me. I just put The Kamogawa Food Detectives on my Kindle, but don't know how soon I can read it. I am currently reading Tales from the Cafe, and I read The Women in Black 2 or 3 years ago. Exciting to hear that it will be made into a series.

    1. I really liked Kamogawa Food Detectives. I hope you get to read it soon.

  7. That's an interesting chain. Well done for finishing with another Japanese book to tie back to the beginning!

    1. I don't always get full circle so it is fun when I do!

  8. Nice chain (I like your Happy books post too)! I put Mastering the Art of French Murder on my TBR when you mentioned it previously. I enjoyed the Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris movie but haven't read the book. I agree there is something about the word Paris that puts one in a good mood! I also like the cover of The Women in Black. I am not familiar with that at all. I wonder where the TV show will appear. I suppose I should subscribe to Netflix but when it was briefly included in my cable plan I didn't really use it. Now I wish I had watched more.

    Here is my chain:

    1. I think the book of Mrs Harris Goes to Paris is possibly a bit dated, but the movie is a delight. Definitely recommend
