Monday, June 24, 2024

This Week...


We have had a very pleasant weekend. If we start with Sunday, we went into the city and visited the Pharoah exhibition which is currently on at the NGV. Every year, they have a winter masterpiece exhibition and it is always good, and this one is no exception! Part of the joy of going to the exhibitions held at NGV is to see how they are staged, and this one was once again excellent!!

Friday was Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year. I wouldn't normally do anything to celebrate solstice, but I happened to see an ad for a Winter Solstice event at the winery down the road and thought why not! We have driven past this winery so many times and had never been there. There was live music, fires and a fire guy who came and did tricks for the crowd! It was a different way to spend Friday night.

I'm reading

I finished reading Midnight Blue this week. I then promptly started another translated book, Welcome to the Hyunam-Dong Bookshop by Hwang Bo-Reum. This is a Korean book, and will be my fourth book in translation this month! I'll have to convince my fellow book clubbers to have this as a theme again!

I haven't mentioned my audiobook for a while, but I think I will finish Song of the Sunbird by Shankari Chandran this week. This is a book that covers around 60 years of Sri Lankan history. If you know anything about the recent history you might recall that there was a civil war in this island country so there were times when listening was quite confronting. I have enjoyed the book, but I do think I will be listening to something a bit lighter next!

I'm watching

A few weeks ago my sister mentioned a show called Home Town when we were talking about feel good shows. I started watching this week and it definitely qualifies as TV that you can watch and be left feeling better about life afterwards. The show features a couple who renovate homes. The twist is that all the houses are in their small home town of Laurel in Mississippi.  I will definitely be watching more.

A friend mentioned a documentary called Mont St Michel: Resistance Through the Ages. We visited Mont St Michel when we were in France 18 months ago. In fact, we were there on New Years Eve and we had an amazing night! Even without having visited, the documentary would have been fascinating but it was even more so seeing as we have visited.

Posts from the last week

Top Ten Tuesday: Books on my Winter 2024 To-Read List
Cook the Books: Family Tree by Susan Wiggs
Sunday Salon: Rachael Johns Book Club Reader Retreat 2024

I've linked this post to It's Monday, what are you reading? as hosted by Book Date


  1. Sounds like an enjoyable week. Your books look good too. Come see my week here/ Happy reading!
