Saturday, June 01, 2024

Weekend Cooking: What I Baked In My Kitchen in May

The first Saturday of the month is when I share all the things that I baked in the previous month. I might need to rethink after my recent hospital stay. I need to be more mindful of what I make. This doesn't mean that I can't make anything but I definitely can't make something sweet every week. Baking is something that I enjoy, so I don't want to give it up completely.

An example of how I have had to think differently is I wanted to make something for my husband's birthday. Normally I would have made a full cake and we would have eaten it for a few days, but instead I tried a new Chocolate Mug Cake which we then shared. You might not quite be able to notice that it is in a Mr Perfect mug!

I did decide that I wanted to try making something tasty for Sunday night dinner, so I decided to try making this Apple and Berry Crumble. This was a bit of a conconction really. The topping in the actual recipe was using muesli cluster cereal which I didn't have so I kind of adapted a different topping.

I acquired two new cookbooks this month

The first was Norteña by Karla Zazueta which features the food of Northern Mexico. We tried one new recipe out of the book, and I think we will try another one tomorrow. I have a number of other recipes picked out to try at some point too.

The second is Easy Wins by Anna Jones. This book was actually chosen in both of the cookbook clubs I am a member of, and yet, I haven't yet made anything out of it. Maybe this week.

New recipes

A few months ago I decided that I was going to share all the new recipes that we try each month, and then we proceeded to not try very many new recipes at all. This month, we tried a couple of new recipes

Singhoalese Chicken - comes from the book Norteña by Karla Zazueta. It was notable because I had to spatchcock my own chicken We will make the marinade again, but probably just do it on chicken pieces going forward.

Apple Berry Crumble - the recipe said use blackberries and currants. I used raspberries and sultanas. Still good!

Chocolate Mug Cake - This is a dangerous recipe to know. All done in 5 minutes and it was very tasty!

Chicken Saag - Wasn't sure what to expect from this recipe but it was good!

Boeuf Bourgignon - I posted about trying this Julia Child recipe here

Chicken and Vegetable stir fry - It's not like we've never had a chicken stir fry before, but this was the first time we made it using Nagi Maehashi's Charlie sauce. We have some sauce left over so I suspect we might see this on next week's menu too.

My Weekend Cooking posts over the last month:

What I Baked in my Kitchen in April

Around the World

Mastering the Art of French Murder by Colleen Cambridge

Bonnie Garmus

Weekly meals

Saturday -Meatballs
Sunday - Bacon Vegetable and Risoni Soup
Monday -Chicken stir fry and rice
Tuesday - Creamy mustard pork, mash and steamed vegies
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday -

Weekend Cooking is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book reviews (novel, nonfiction), cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs, restaurant reviews, travel information, or fun food facts. If your post is even vaguely foodie, feel free to grab the button and link up anytime over the weekend. You do not have to post on the weekend. Please link to your specific post, not your blog's home page


  1. You mentioned a hospital stay —. I hope you are not suffering from anything long-term or serious. All. your new recipes look good.
    best, mae at

  2. I am also repeating Mae's comment. That chicken looks good.

  3. I hear you re the spatchcocking - sometimes life's too short for that palaver. I've heard great things about the latest Anna Jones so will be interested to hear what you think.

    1. I am planning to try a couple of the recipes from Anna Jones soon.

      I am glad to have done the spatchcocking once. Now I know how, it doesn't mean I have to do it again!

  4. That mug cake looks delish as does the chicken. And how good is Nagi's Charlie sauce? I only tried it recently but it was so good, I always keep a jar of it in the fridge now :)

    1. We are already planning to make another batch of Charlie!

  5. Here's to your good health! Everything not only looks great, buy I love that you pull no punches with your photos. This is the food you put on your table, and we need more of that. PS, the mug cake could get me in trouble...

    1. I'm not sure if that is a good thing or not! Most of the time it is just that I remember to take a photo at the last minute!

  6. Your food always looks sooo good! But I hope that's not what landed you in hospital. Be well!

  7. Easy Wins was the May cookbook for Lambs' Ears cookbook club. I made a couple of recipes but wasn't really impressed. I think this will be another giveaway book for me! I am renowned in our IRL book club for giving the books away as soon as we have had bookclub night!

    1. It was also the April cookbook for Jamie Oliver. There's a few things I want to try. We'll see if I get to them or not.

  8. Hope you are healing well! I love Mug Cakes of any sort and have a few new ones to try :)

    1. I will be looking for more mug cake recipes for sure.

  9. chocolate mug cake is my go-to for a quick pick me up when I'm feeling in need of something sweet but don't feel like making something too crazy. It's just so good!!

  10. Love the mug cake - enough to share as we love cake but not an entire cake.
    I visited you via Sherry Pickings. My entry this month is #12.
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