Sunday, July 14, 2024

Sunday Salon: Historical Fiction Reading Challenge - June stats and the year so far!

For the last couple of years I have been sharing statistics each month for the Historical challenge, and my plan is to continue to do this again this year. I find it interesting to see what are the books that people are reading and reviewing! I think I have visited almost all the reviews submitted during June and have added a couple of books to my never ending TBR list. Given that we are now in July, I thought I would also do a summary of the challenge so far!

But first....let's talk about June's statistics

In terms of the books, there were 48 reviews linked up for the challenge, shared by 18 participants. This is a bit less than we have been tracking over the last couple of months. There were 46 individual titles reviewed, written by 46 different authors. There were 4 reviewers who reviewed more than 5 books each. Thank you to everyone who shared their links whether it be 6 or just 1.

So which books were reviewed more than once in June?  There were two books that were reviewed twice but there were no other authors who had more than one of their books reviewed.

The first was The Hazelbourne Ladies Motorcycle and Flying Club by Helen Simonson. I read and loved her book Major Pettigrew's Last Stand years ago, so I am definitely interested in reading this one too! I would have been anyway given the title, but still. This book was reviewed by Susan at Reading World and CLM at Staircase Wit.

The other book that was reviewed twice this month was the final book in the Maisie Dobbs series by Jacqueline Winspear. The title is The Comfort of Ghosts and it was reviewed by Cathy at What Cathy Read Next  and  Laura at Reading Books Again.

So let's talk about the first six months of the challenge in 2024

In terms of the books, there have been 328 reviews linked up for the challenge, shared by 31 participants. If I compare this last year, this is less than we had at this point last year, but that's okay! There were 305 individual titles reviewed, written by 283 different authors. There were 13 reviewers who have reviewed more than 10 books each. Thank you to everyone who has shared their links throughout the last 6 months.

There were 19 books that were reviewed twice in the first six months, but only one which has been reviewed three times which was The Hazelbourne Ladies Motorcycle and Flying Club by Helen Simonson which I mentioned above.

I look forward to seeing what everyone reviews over the next 6 months and we will see which books end up at the top of the list later in the year!

I am sharing this post with Sunday Salon hosted at Readerbuzz.


  1. Your group really reads a huge number of books! I read at least one historical novel/detective fiction this month, by SJ Rozan and John Shen Yen Nee -- The Murder of Mr. Ma (published April, 2024). It was well done -- set in 1924.
    Review here (along with another book):

    best, mae at

  2. I had the Simonson book and was sad to have to turn it in. Other books were in progress and the due date was looming so I will get it later. Nice stats for the reading!

    1. I used to have to do that all the time Tina!

  3. I might need to look for The Hazelbourne Ladies Motorcycle and Flying Club. I think I need to read one more historical fiction novel for the challenge this year, and this one looks good.

    Your numbers for the year are great. I would suspect that people start out strong with a challenge and then they start to slow down as the year progresses.

  4. Looks like your challenge keeps you very busy. Happy reading.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  5. I love historical fiction. I didn't realize you were hosting a challenge. I'm glad to hear that it's going well. THE HAZELBOURNE LADIES MOTORCYCLE AND FLYING CLUB sounds like fun. I'll have to look into it. :D Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  6. These books sound so good. I really need to turn my attention to historical fiction.

  7. I bought a copy of Hazelbourne Ladies, and I'm hoping to read it by the end of summer. This sounds like a fun challenge. I need to read more historical fiction!

  8. Great challenge. Wish I had time to participate in them. Good luck with your challenge.

  9. Sometimes I dive into statistics, too, and find comfort or alarm or perplexion in numbers

    1. I enjoy doing the statistics every month Anne!

  10. Sounds like you enjoy figuring out what the club is doing. That sounds fun to me.

  11. I'm doing my part to boost our stats. I'm well ahead of my goal for the year and where I was last year. I seem to keep finding more historicals to read.

  12. Thank you for your ongoing participation!
