Monday, July 08, 2024

This Week....

I'm reading

Last week I shared that I was feeling a little unsettled reading wise, mainly because I couldn't decide what I wanted to read. This week I fixed that by finishing all the books that I had started recently, plus getting ahead on my review reading! It's been a busy reading week

I finished both Daughters of Tuscany by Siobhan Daiko and Welcome to the Hyunam-Dong Bookshop by Hwang Bo-Reum. My review for Daughters of Tuscany will be up in the next couple of days. I also finished The Readers Room by Antoine Laurain

I also started and finished A Love Letter to Paris by Rebecca Raisin, which I will also have a review of in the next few days.

Amazon Prime Reads included The Bookstore Wedding by Alice Hoffman this month, so I picked that up and read it very quickly. It really is a short story, coming in at around 30-40 pages. There was a lot in that short story though!

Finally, I decided to start read The Stolen Hours, which is the second book in the Wild Isle Trilogy by Karen Swan. I have decided that this is going to be my Scottish book for my read on a theme book club.

That feels like a lot this week!

I'm watching

We are now into the second week of Tour de France, and we tend to watch around an hour or so each night! Every night there is a 5 minute cooking show which features the food of the region that the bike race is visiting, called Plat du Tour which I really enjoy!

It's hard to believe that before I met my husband I had only ever seen one Star Wars movie, and that that was on a date. Now I end up watching everything as it comes out. This week we started watching The Acolyte which is the latest series.

This was the last weekend of the Spanish Film Festival, so I convince hubby to come and see a movie called The Teacher Who Promised the Sea, which was a really movie film. It's the story of a woman who is looking for her great-grandfather who went missing in the 1930s. Along the way she learns about her grandfather's childhood, and the role a teacher played in it. This teacher really existed which makes the story even more moving. I definitely recommend both this movie, and the one that I talked about last week as well.

Here's the trailer:

I have had another Spanish film called Lemon and Poppyseed Cake on my to be watched list for a couple of years but I hadn't been able too find where I could stream it. I was looking for something else when I stumbled across it so I had  to watch it. This was very different to the other movie, feels a bit more soapie, but I liked the story and now I need to make someting lemony and poppyseedy!


Other than what I mentioned above not a lot to tell life wise. We are counting down to our holidays which will be here before we know it. I think all the main things are booked

Posts from the last week

Top Ten Tuesday: Purple!
Six Degrees of Separation: Kairos to A Nurses Life

I've linked this post to It's Monday, what are you reading? as hosted by Book Date


  1. I must look out for the Plat du Tour segment. I am watching the Tour for the last 10km most afternoons. My reading lately has also been weird - taking me too long to finish books. Enjoy your holidays :)

  2. The last 10kms is on about 2am here so I don't get to see that much. Plat du Tour might be just an Australian thing. You might be able to find some of them on Youtube.

  3. You had a wonderful reading week. It is always good to finish things up. I hope you find many good books this week too. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. Definitely good to finish some things Kathy!

  4. I haven't read Karen Swan but do have one of her books and will read it next month as part of a reading challenge. I must look up the series you are mentioning.

    1. I have really liked most of the Karen Swan books I have read.

  5. It sounds like you had a productive reading week. I adored The Hyunam-Dong Bookshop and am wondering what you thought of it?

    1. I liked it, but I did struggle to get into it at first. It was the fourth translated book I read in a row so maybe that was part of it.

    2. I liked it, but I did struggle to get into it at first. It was the fourth translated book I read in a row so maybe that was part of it.
