Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday: Paris books!

Welcome to this week's edition of Top Ten Tuesday which is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's theme is Throwback Freebie (Pick a TTT topic that has been previously done. Maybe you missed it, weren’t blogging then, or you’d like to update an old list you made. All previous topics are listed below.)

We are part way through Paris in July (hosted by Emma at Words and Peace), so rather than do a throwback, I am going to choose the last ten books I have read with Paris in the title

A Love Letter to Paris by Rebecca Raisin - My review of this one will be up in the next couple of days! It was good though!

The Last Train from Paris by Juliet Greenwood - WWII, dual timeline and a really good read! (my review)

The Paris Agent by Kelly Rimmer - I have enjoyed all the Kelly Rimmer books that I have read so far

Mrs Harris Goes to Paris by Paul Gallico - I fell in love with the movie and then read the book. Here's my review of both

Twenty One Nights In Paris by Leonie Mack - This was my first Leonie Mack but I have read everything she has put out since. (my review)

The Girl from Paris by Ella Carey - Ella Carey has a few books set in Paris (my review)

The Black Swan of Paris by Karen Swan - This is a WWII novel but it is more of a thriller than I would normally read.

An American in Paris by Siobhan Curham - Another WWII novel (my review)

Saint-Germain-des-Pres: Paris's Rebel Quarter by John Baxter - I really enjoyed this short non-fiction look at a specific area of Paris

The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George - Books and Paris. Yes please.

Have you read any of these, or have any other Paris suggestions for me?


  1. Deb Nance did a Paris theme this week as well! :)

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. That doesn't really surprise me Lydia! I think we both enjoy a good read set in France!

  2. I think all of my Paris reading has been nonfiction! My list is on books I've experienced in different mediums.

    1. I haven't read a lot of Paris non fiction!

  3. I love thrillers so maybe I'd like The Black Swan in Paris. :D I'm glad you were able to fit in your July in Paris theme into TTT.

    My TTT

    1. You can make lots of things fit into a TTT theme!

  4. I enjoyed reading The Little Paris Bookshop! A couple of books you may want to check out are Perestroika in Paris by Jane Smiley and Last Christmas in Paris by Hazel Gaynor.
    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  5. Fun topic! I've not read these, so I'll have to look into them. Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  6. i haven't read any of these (yet) but I also recommend The Paris Dressmaker by Kristy Cambron, Until Leaves Fall in Paris by Sarah Sundin, and Paris is Always a Good Idea by Nicolas Barreau! My TTT

  7. Fun topic! Some book recs: The Paris Betrayal by James Hannibel, The Paris Dressmaker by Kristy Cambron, and Until Leaves Fall in Paris by Sarah Sundin.

    1. That's two votes for the last two books that you mentioned

  8. Fun! Who knew there were so many Paris books? I don't think I've ever read one.

  9. Lol I don't even think I can name 10 books I read set in Paris let alone just the -last- 10!

    1. If you need any recommendations you know where to come.

  10. Great list!
    The last book I read with the word Paris in the title is Parisians: An Adventure History of Paris, by Graham Robb. So so good!
    I also featured French books for Top Ten:

    1. Thanks for the recommendation Emma, and for hosting Paris in July.

  11. Great list! I enjoyed the movie of Mrs. Harris in Paris. I'm adding the WWII books to my list!

  12. Thanks for sharing this list. I’ve always wanted to read some of these titles.

  13. I've been hoping to read more light stories set in Paris, but a couple of the books I've tried (The Excitements among them) just didn't work for me. I got the new Ann Hood book yesterday that is partially set in France, and maybe it will be my next read.

  14. I have a lot of light books set in Paris. Not that many heavier ones!
