Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Things I Love About Books Set in France

 Welcome to this week's edition of Top Ten Tuesday which is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's theme is Ten Things I Loved About [Insert Book Title Here] (Pick any book and tell us ten things you loved about it!) (submitted by Cathy @ WhatCathyReadNext). 

You know that I like to twist things so, and that we are part way through Paris in July (hosted by Emma at Words and Peace), so my post this week is Ten Things I Love About Books Set in France.

The Eiffel Tower - such an icon for visitors to Paris. I wanted to use one of my own photos. It was super hard to choose just one!

Paris - I mean, I feel like I am cheating a little by saying Paris, but still....Paris!

Chocolate -  If a book features a chocolatier then I am there.

Pastries - What would a visit to France be without a glimpse into the window of a patisseries at all the gorgeous treats.

Cheese - Soft cheese, hard cheese, cheese that you can't get in Australia.

Bread - One of my most memorable meals is fresh baguette with cheese. And I loved that when we were in France, bread was an integral part of any meal.

The language -  I am trying to learn to speak French via Duolingo at the moment

The locations - Yes, there is life outside of Paris - Provence, Normandy, Champagne, the mountains, the Riviera. So many options!

The romance

The history - even in contemporary set novels you find yourself visiting towns with amazing history.

The dreams - every book I read set in France makes me want to go back and visit again!

I am sharing this post with my fellow participants in Paris in July, hosted by Emma at Words and Peace.


  1. I suddenly realize there was very little cheese on my last trip to France! I did have a galette with one I had never heard of previously, Halloumi (and tomato). I will definitely rectify that on my next trip!

    1. Oh, we tried a Cypriot halloumi pasta not long ago. Delicious!

  2. These are the same things I love about books set in France. The foods are probably the thing that most quickly takes me to France. I especially love the bread and butter and cheese.

  3. Books that let you travel to other places are wonderful. I'll have to try to find some set in France!
    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

    1. I do love other countries as well but France is really my favourite.

  4. I just read a book set in the French countryside, it was truly heartwarming. I recommend you check it out, it's called The Little Village of French Book Lovers by Nina George. Happy reading! My TTT post https://readwithstefani.com/books-i-could-re-read-forever/

    1. I have that one! I have read a couple of her other books as well.

  5. I love your list! And I have similar memories as your baguette from my trip to France, except for me it was a fresh croissant. We had so many great meals that trip, but the croissant might have been my food highlight.

    Here's my TTT this week: https://bookwyrmknits.com/2024/07/16/top-ten-tuesday-ten-things-i-loved-about-twisted-by-emma-dabiri/

    1. I think last time we went it was a religieuse! So good.

  6. I find that food seems to play an intregral part of any books I've read that is set in France, food and wine that is.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!
