Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday/Paris in July: Bestsellers Around the World - France

Welcome to this week's edition of Top Ten Tu
esday which is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's theme Books I Wish Had More/Less [Insert Your Concept Here] In Them (for example: more/less romance, more/less world building, less info dumping, more/fewer pages, more character development, fewer characters, fewer descriptions, more suspense, etc.)

We are, however, getting to the tail end of Paris in July, a month long celebration of all things French. One of the posts that I try to do for every Paris in July is a look at what is currently on the bestsellers list in France. I call this feature Bestsellers Around the World. I roll it out infrequently, but I do like sharing it so here are the bestsellers for this week based on the bestseller list at Sens Critique! And my post for this week's Top Ten Tuesday.

The Midwife of Auschwitz by Anna Stuart (La Sage Femme d'Autwitchz) - Interesting to see a WWII historical fiction novel at number one on the list.

A Beautiful Life by Virginie Grimaldi (Une Belle Vie) - I read and enjoyed a Virginie Grimaldi book last year and enjoyed it. I will be looking for this one when I can.

Angelique by Guillaume Musso (Angelique) - This is a crime novel, featuring a cop who has a heart attack and then meets a woman who needs help.

The Bartender at the Ritz by Philippe Colin (Le Barman du Ritz) - This is another WWII novel. It does sound interesting!

Seasons, Volume 4: A Summer to Find You Again by Morgane Moncomble (Un été pour te retrouver) - How gorgeous is this cover! This is an author who started out on Wattpad!

Women from the End of the World by Melissa Da Costa
(Les femmes du bout du monde) - Melissa Da Costa regularly appears on this list, but I don't think that she has been translated into English yet.

The Bride Wore Yellow Boots by Katherine Pancol (La Mariée portait des bottes jaunes) - This is a family drama set in Bordeaux

The Rift by Franck Thilliez (La Faille) - This is another author who regularly appears on these lists

The Housekeeper by Frieda McFadden (La femme de Menage - It's interesting to see which books cross the language barriers.

Complete Tragedies by Aeschylus (Tragedies Complete) - This one felt a bit like a bit of a curveball! I wonder why it has hit the bestsellers now.

You can find other posts in this series of posts at this link - Bestsellers Around the World


  1. Interesting list! Do you read French?

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.


  2. I could be mistaken, but I think I have A Beautiful Life on my wait list at my library right now.

    I find it fascinating to see what people are reading right now in France. I wonder what the nonfiction books are.

  3. Your best seller lists are always fascinating. They inspire me to engage in all sorts of speculations, which are probably not even close to what’s true.
    best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  4. Good post. Beautiful Life by Virginie Grimaldi came in for me at the library, but I had too many going so sent it back for now.

  5. Such an intersting list!
    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  6. This is such a cool idea!
    Musso and Thilliez are among my favorite contemporary French authors.
