Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I have read while on holidays

Welcome to this week's edition of Top Ten Tuesday which is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's theme is Planes, Trains & Automobiles/Books Featuring Travel (books whose plots involve travel or feature modes of transportation on the cover/title) (submitted by Cathy @ What Cathy Read Next)

Oooops. I did holiday vibes post last week. Probably should have looked ahead a bit before choosing that topic. So what am I going to do instead? How about books I have read on holidays, including on planes! 

I am currently on holidays in South Africa, so here is a pic of the book I was finishing off today sitting outside at our lodge, looking out at the pool and the bush.

The Map Maker's Promise by Catherine Law - This is the book I was reading in the picture above.

Champagne Widows by Rebecca Rosenberg  - I read this on the plane home from Queensland

Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr  - I read this on the way to Tassie a couple of years ago.

Escape to Bellbird Bay by Maggie Christensen - I read on the way to Broome

The Language of Love by Annabel Abbs - I read this during an Easter road trip down the Great Ocean Road

Homecoming by Yaa Gyasi - I read this while I was on holiday in South Africa last time

Just One Wish by Rachael Johns - I read this book on my way to my wedding in Vanuatu

The Flat Share by Beth O'Leary - According to my blog I read this on a plane to somewhere

Barriers to Entry by Ariel Lawhon - I read a few short stories on my flight this week, and this was one of them.

Come Fly With Me by Helen Rolfe - I couldn't not include this book which is about a helicopter pilot in an emergency response team

Do you read much while you are on holidays


  1. Yes, I love to read while I am on vacation. I especially like to read on the plane, and I like to choose books set in the place in which I am vacationing.

  2. I’m curious about Come Fly With Me. How much I read on holiday depends on what the weather is like! :)

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. I just read the follow up book to Come Fly With Me last week and that was good too

  3. Good topic! The Flat Share was so good!

  4. Love your spin on the topic! Unfortunately I tend not to remember what I've read where, otherwise this is such a good idea. Happy reading! My TTT https://readwithstefani.com/best-reads-of-2024-so-far/

    1. Some of them I mentioned reading on holidays in a blog post, but others I had to look at the dates to work it out

  5. i love your take on today's theme :) My TTT

  6. I love to read on vacations (or anytime!), but I can't name specific books I have read while on a vacation. Enjoy the rest of your week!

    1. I had a couple of different methods of figuring it out!

  7. My husband listened to CLOUD CUCKOO LAND while we were on a long road trip and it put me right to sleep! Ha ha.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!
