Saturday, August 03, 2024

Weekend Cooking: What I Baked in my Kitchen in July

The first Saturday of the month is when I share all the things that I baked in the previous month. It has been a busy month at our house, with a combination of new recipes and going out.

Here's what I baked:

Lemon Cake - We were given a whole bunch of citrus fruit this month. I decided that this was the perfect opportunity to make a lemon cake. I chose to make this one from Recipetineats, and as you would expect it was delicious! One of the interesting things is that this cake had an ermine frosting. This is when you create a base similar to a roux and then you incorporate this into the butter. It results in a very smooth and creamy frosting! Delicious!

White chocolate cherry and feta cookies - This sounds like an odd combination, but it actually was a hit. I took these to work and got great reviews. I had to buy a packet of dried sour cherries. Now I need to figure out how else I cna use them.

Baklava cheesecake - This recipe along with the cookie recipe above, comes from Greek-ish by Georgina Hayden. I made this when we had a friend around for dinner. We started with a Greek-ish Lemon Chicken and Rice and then followed it with this for dessert. This is again a bit unusual in that it includes feta cheese in the filling, and filo pastry for the base and sides. 

We also had a couple of foodie adventures. We visited the Bastille Day markets where we had the most delicious pastry, and we bought a delicious pate. This is from a family business, and the sales girl, who was probably about 12, was very persuasive! We also visited a cafe for a Parisian Hot Chocolate which I posted about here

We also had a work offsite where we had the most amazing food and wine!

New recipes

Interestingly, all but one of the new recipes this month come from Greek-ish by Georgina Hayden

One Pot Pastitsio - Made this a couple of times and this will definitely be in our regular meal rotation now

Fennel Roast Pork and Lemon, Oregano Potatoes - This roast pork was so good! I do need to do the potatoes again too.

One Pot Lemon chicken and Rice - We served this with salad as the main course of dinner with a friend and then followed it up with the Baklava cheesecake. A Greek-ish feast

Lemon cake - Yum

White chocolate cherry and feta cookies - odd sounding combination but delicious

Baklava Cheesecake - Oh my goodness level of goodness!

Weekend Cooking Posts Over the Last Month

The Paris Cooking School by Sophie Beaumont

The Taste of Things

Paris: Impressions of Paris 1890-1925

Champagne Widows by Rebecca Rosenberg

We are off on holidays this week so I am pretty sure I won't have much to share next month!

Weekend Cooking is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book reviews (novel, nonfiction), cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs, restaurant reviews, travel information, or fun food facts. If your post is even vaguely foodie, feel free to grab the button and link up anytime over the weekend. You do not have to post on the weekend. Please link to your specific post, not your blog's home page


  1. Paris in July really was a great month! Your two Greek dishes look delicious -- maybe there should be months for other cuisines and other cultures beyond French.
    best, mae at

  2. Everything that you baked looks delicious. I have not baked in years. Thank you for hosting.

    1. It's Judee from Gluten Free A-Z Blog

  3. Also can't sign in! It's Jackie JunkBoatTravels. I have some feta hanging around, you've given me some ideas.

  4. oh that baklava cheesecake is singing out to me, as is the one pot pastitsio! lots of yummies in your kitchen this month, hope you have a great holiday!

  5. WOW such interesting and delicious offerings for family and friends! I never knew that that style of frosting was referred to as Emine frosting, it is one of my favorites.

  6. Lots of delicious baking here Marg. That is an interesting icing; I must try making it one day. Lemon chicken and rice sounds great as does pastitsio. I haven't made that in years. I must make something with all the lemons I ended up with this weekend. I bought them from a country stall for $2! cheers Sherry
