Monday, September 09, 2024

This week....I mean month..

I'm reading

Well....I was intending to keep on doing these weekly posts while I was on holidays, but it turns out I was too busy having a great time, so I have missed the last three weeks, but I am back now.

I don't normally read much while I am on holidays but this time I managed to read quite a lot, mainly because we weren't doing all that much driving. We used a lot of public transport, and we were on a coach for the best part of a week.

Since the last time I posted I finished reading The Mapmaker's Promise by Catherine Law which I really enjoyed and which I reviewed here.

I then read The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd. No, I can't believe I have never read it before either! This is the current selection for Cook the Books so I will be sharing my review once I have figured out what I am going to cook to go with the post.

Next up was Look What You Made Me Do by Amy Andrews which I reviewed here.

I then read The Start of the Story by Jane Lovering. The book itself is set on the moors, I was reading it while we were driving through Scotland and it felt like a really timely read. 

From the moors, my reading then took me to France where I read A French Country Escape by Jennifer Bohnet. My review for this and the previous book will be up shortly.

Still in France, I then decided to read something just for fun and so I chose The President's Hat by Antoine Laurain.

In the last post I talked about a collection of short stories that I had read a couple of while on the first plane trip of our holiday. I read another one of those on the last plane trip. This time it was Amelia's Shadow by Marie Benedict.

Finally, I started Written in the Stars by Helen Rolfe, which I finished today. 

Last night I started reading The Before Life of Eliza Valentine by Laura Pearson. So far I love this book! As in really love it. Hopefully it will continue to be amazing.

I'm watching

After watching quite a lot on our first flight I didn't watch much at all on the next four flight. On the last flight we couldn't watch anything anyway given that the entertainment system wasn't working. The same thing happened when we had an overnight flight from Singapore last year too.

The one movie I did watch was Bernadette, which is called The President's Wife for it's English release. It's the story of Bernadette Chirac, wife of the French President, Jacques Chirac from 1995-2007. It was a movie that I wanted to see as part of the French Film Festival but couldn't fit it in so I was very happy to find it available to watch.

Here's the trailer:


Life's pretty good when you are on holidays!!

Posts since last time 

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Have Read on Holidays
Blog Tour: The Secret Keeper by Renita D'Silva
Weekend Cooking: What We Ate on Holiday - South Africa
Weekend Cooking:What We Ate on Holiday - London
Blog Tour: The Map Maker's Promise by Catherine Law
Weekend Cooking: What We Ate on Holiday - Scotland
Historical Fiction Reading Challenge - September links
Blog Tour: Look What You Made Me Do by Amy Andrews
Weekend Cooking: What We Ate on Holiday - Scotland/Hong Kong
Six Degrees of Separation: After Story to The Stolen Hours

I've linked this post to It's Monday, what are you reading? as hosted by Book Date


  1. Yes, life is grand when you're on holidays! You're so lucky you can read on the coach buses! I can't read in a car or on a bus. For some reason, reading on a train or plane is OK! I tried listening to audiobooks when we were going through Ireland sightseeing last week, but the buses were too noisy for me to hear the book well enough.
    I like reading books that are set in the place I'm visiting on vacation, too!

  2. I am a bit odd Laurie. I can't read a book on the bus, but I can read for a while on my Kindle.
