Monday, October 14, 2024

Blog Tour: The Village Christmas Party by Sue Roberts


We have quite a few birthdays towards the end of September and beginning of October, and it is only after we get past those that I start to think about Christmas. I have a feeling that Lauren, the main character from this book would be horrified that I leave it that late. After all, she has lists for her lists and she needs them as she is very actively involved in her local community.

Every year Lauren is one of the hosts for a Christmas party at the local hall. Anyone who would otherwise be at home by themselves is invited for a lovely Christmas roast with all the trimmings and some good company. 
Everything is going to plan for this year, until she finds out that there is an issue with the booking, and now the hall is booked for a seven year olds birthday party. Kian, the dad, is insistent that the birthday party must go ahead in the hall, and Lauren is equally adamant that she has the right to use the hall. It soon becomes clear that the only option is to share so there is a hall full of pensioners and 7 year olds. What could go wrong? And can Lauren resist the handsome Kian?

We like a good list but we don't let them rule our lives like Lauren does at the beginning of the book, and she seems to be finding it exhausting as well. Little by little Lauren is becoming a little less rigid, a little more spontaneous.

While I like the story, it was a little simpler than some of the other books I have read recently. There's a couple of subplots that help but mostly I was left looking for more from the writing. Things picked up in the second half of the book.

When I was offered this book I jumped at the opportunity because I thought I had read Sue Thomas before and the cover is super cute. When I was reading the book, I found myself wondering if I had actually done so.  It turns out I own at least 5 books by Sue Roberts, so there is no doubt that I have thought she sounds like my kind of author. At least I know now what to expect when I do get to read one of those books.

I am sharing this review with the New Release Challenge hosted by The Chocolate Lady's Book Reviews.  Be sure to check out other stops on the tour shown below. Thanks to the publisher, Netgalley and Books on Tour for the review copy.

Rating 3.5/5

About the Book

The smell of mulled wine fills the air as the villagers listen to carollers singing. Everyone in town is ready for the big day. But Lauren only has hours to get the community Christmas party back on track…

Thirty-four-year-old Lauren has a list for everything, especially Christmas. With her presents bought months in advance, the last thing on her checklist is the charity party she runs every year. It has to be perfect – she has seen how much the event means to the older villagers who would be alone for the holidays otherwise.

Everything is going smoothly as the local church bells ring. Until handsome Kian walks in, claiming he has the little village hall booked for his young daughter’s birthday party. Lauren nearly falls off the ladder she is using to hang fairy lights. There’s no way this is happening. Not when she’d triple-checked every detail…

As Lauren frantically tries to find another option, Kian’s insistence that she should just “relax” isn’t helping her stay merry and bright. There’s only one way to make this a festive party to remember. She has to try and work with Kian.

They clash over every detail, but as their helpers arrive, Kian’s kind and welcoming nature soothes Lauren’s shaken nerves. And his gorgeous blue eyes make her wish she’d put the mistletoe out. Until Kian mysteriously disappears…

And Lauren is left alone to keep the excitable children from running into the flaming Christmas pudding the older guests love every year. Will Kian’s chilled approach cool the celebrations? Or can Lauren and Kian put aside their differences and save the day once more?

This completely addictive and gorgeous festive romance is perfect for fans of Cathy Bramley, Tracy Rees and Heidi Swain. You will not be able to put this down once it wraps you up in its warmth and charm!

About the Author

Sue Roberts lives in Lancashire with her long term partner Derek and has had a lifelong love of writing, encouraged by winning a school writing competition at the age of 11.

She always assumed that ‘one day’ she would write a book, always having a busy household and a job, the idea remained firmly on the back burner but never forgotten.

The inspiration for her first novel came to her on a holiday to a Greek village. Her daughters had left home and suddenly the time had come to write that book!

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