The beginning of a new reading year means thinking about which challenges you are going to be participating in.
I am very much committed to making the challenges fit my reading as opposed to specifically reading for a challenge. Of course, the first challenge I am going to mention is one where I will go exactly opposite but never mind!
The first I am going to mention is Japanese Literature Challenge 18, hosted by Dolce Bellezza. I have several books in mind to read during January and February for this challenge! I am also intending to post a few other things during January about all things Japanese which will be for my own January in Japan, but we will see how we go!
The next challenges are all year long challenges.
The first is the Bookish Books challenge hosted by Susan at Bloggin' Bout Books
The levels are
Toe in the Door: 1-10 books readPicking and Perusing: 11-20 books read
Lost in the Stacks: 21-30 books read
Living in the Library: 30+ books read
And I am choosing Picking and Perusing!
The challenge is the New Release Challenge hosted at The Chocolate Lady's Book Review Blog, where you can add any books you read that have been released in 2025.
The levels are
1-30 books per year – New Release Newbie
31-60 books per year – New Release Pro
61-100 books per year – New Release Veteran
101-200 books per year – New Release Enthusiast
200+ books per year – New Release Obsessed
And I am aiming for New Release Veteran
Of course, I need to also participate in my own challenge, the Historical Fiction Reading Challenge! You can find out more about the challenge here.
The levels are
20th Century Reader - 2 booksVictorian Reader - 5 books
Renaissance Reader - 10 books
Medieval - 15 books
Ancient History - 25 books
Prehistoric - 50+ books
I am aiming for Ancient History!
I reserve the right to add more challenges at any time. I am also declaring now that ,of course, I am going to be participating in Paris in July when the time comes!
Oh, and I have set my Goodreads Challenge at 104 books!
What challenges are you participating in this year?
Good luck and fun for these! I'm doing the Japanese one. And I have other projects, as you will see in my January 7 post