Sunday, February 09, 2025

Sunday Salon: Historical Fiction Reading Challenge - January statistics

Every month I share some of the statistics related to the Historical Fiction Reading Challenge. I try very hard to visit every post which has been linked (time permitting) and I find it interesting to see what are the books that people are reading and reviewing! I often end up adding a couple of books to my never ending TBR list.

In terms of the books read in January, there were  reviews linked up for the challenge, shared by 22 participants. There were 55 individual titles reviewed, written by 52 different authors. There were 3 reviewers who reviewed more than 5 books each. There were also a couple of people who contributed their first reviews for the challenge! Welcome to you all. Thank you to everyone who shared their links whether it be 11 or just 1.

So which books were reviewed more than once in January?

There Were Rivers in the Sky by Elif Shafak was reviewed by myself and Bree from All the Books You Can Read.Now you would be right to wonder if this is a coincidence as we did have a conversation where one of us said we were reading it and the other said maybe I will too. You can read Bree's review here and mine is here.

The other book that was reviewed twice was The Night on the Darling River by Darry Fraser. I am so excited to see this book by an Australian historical fiction author reviewed by two American reviewers! The first review was from Laura at Laura's Reviews and the second was from Sarah at Reading the Past.

There was also one author who had two individual books review which was Mary Balogh. Laura from Laura's Reviews reviewed Under the Mistletoe and Susan from Reading World reviewed Remember When.

I'll be back next month with the statistics for February!

I am sharing this post with Sunday Salon, hosted at Readerbuzz.


  1. I haven't read this genre lately but will look at my TBR list to see what I have!

    1. I hope you find something you would love to read Harvee!

  2. I do enjoy the occasional historical fiction (not set during wartime). Sorry but I cannot read the left side of your posts still which cuts off several words.

  3. I’m a big fan of Eli Shafek, and enjoyed the book that’s on your list as well as several other books of hers.
    best… mae at

    1. I still need to read more off of her backlist!

  4. OOPs autocorrect didn’t like the author’s name: ELIF Shafek.

  5. I have tried, but just can't connect with Shafek's novels.

  6. I've been really curious about There Were Rivers in the Sky -- I think I might have to give it a shot! And I do love the title.

  7. This challenge is off to a great start! I need to get over there and film up my TBR list. 🤣

    1. I look forward to seeing what you decide to read Olivia

  8. I need to read more Elif Shafak books. They always sound really interesting!

  9. I do love when you share these :) Have a great week!

    1. I have fun doing them Cindy, but they can be a little time consuming!

  10. I would love to try an Elif Shafak book. This might be a good place to start.

    I forgot to add my historical fiction book from January. I will add it to February, I think.

    1. It's fine to add to February's links Deb

  11. I still haven't read anything by Elif Shafak!

    1. My favourite is still The Island of Missing Trees but this one was good too!

  12. P.S. I couldn't get the link to your review of There Are Rivers in the Sky to work.

    1. Thanks for letting me know Laurie. I have fixed it now.

  13. January was a month where it was almost impossible to read and the only books I read were nonfiction! Hopefully I can get some Historical Fiction read in February!!!

  14. Looks like we are off to a good start this year.
