Saturday, March 22, 2025

Weekend Cooking: Lemon Cheesecake Mousse


I have mentioned before that we have recently been gifted a lot of lemons, and so I needed to come up with some ways of using it! I ended up making another batch of lemon curd. Of course, then I needed to figure out what to do with all the lemon curd.

I therefore went searching and I found a recipe to make Lemon Cheesecake Mousse. It is super simple, so I am going to share the recipe here.  I didn't do the fancy piping suggested. I just put some curd in, piped the mousse, repeated, and then sprinkled some biscuits on the top for some crunch. I also spread the mixture over 3 glasses not 8 as I didn't have any tiny glasses! 

I ended up making this twice. The first time it was just for us, but the second time I took it to a friend's place where she was making the main meal and we were providing dessert! She agreed it is a winner, especially when it is so simple to make.

Lemon Cheesecake Mousse

250g cream cheese, at room temperature, chopped
220g (2/3 cup) bought lemon curd
300ml thickened cream

Use electric beaters to beat the cream cheese in a bowl until almost smooth. Add half the lemon curd and beat until smooth and combined. Beat the cream in a separate bowl until firm peaks form, then use a spatula to fold into the cream cheese mixture until combined.

Spoon 2 tbsp of the remaining lemon curd into one side of a piping bag fitted with a 1.5cm plain nozzle (see tip). Spoon half of the cream cheese mixture down the other side of the piping bag. Twist top of bag to seal. Pipe among four small serving glasses. Repeat with remaining curd and cream cheese mixture and pipe among four small serving glasses (eight glasses in total).

Place in the fridge for at least 1 hour (or up to 4 hours) or until mixture firms slightly. Serve.

Weekend Cooking is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book reviews (novel, nonfiction), cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs, restaurant reviews, travel information, or fun food facts. If your post is even vaguely foodie, feel free to grab the button and link up anytime over the weekend. You do not have to post on the weekend. Please link to your specific post, not your blog's home page


  1. I LOVE anything lemon and we always have lemons so I will be making this!!

  2. P.S. what is thickened cream? I think it is what we call whipping cream, 35%.
